Monday, 24 March 2025



So another weeks rattled past ! and what a week it's turned out to be ! Due to all my knitting of hats, finally my hands told me it was too much ! and that I needed a break !  

Which was annoying since I had worked out that if I could knit two to three each evening I'd finish the extra skeins I'd bought by the end of the month and would then have a couple of week or even a months break. So I downed needles and that's where the trouble began.

Not having my hands occupied knitting , while listening to various you tube podcasts, I decided to cruise the internet on all things Sasha. . . 

Now I had already resisted a pricy doll , so was feeling quite pleased with myself. But I had put a couple of Sasha's in my eBay watching list. So I'm looking at the dolls and see a nice doll I like the look of but must resist, so in order to resist the more expensive doll I go back and look at the other dolls.

One thing leads to another and the next thing I've just bought a doll ! Which is why I should not go looking at the dolls on eBay! But that's not the end of it ! Oh no having bought the Sasha to stop me buying the other doll, I then realise the seller is also the seller for the other one and so go ask for the best price !! Fatal mistake to make because , yes you have guessed it, not one but two dolls arrived Saturday morning !!

So this is Jenny, who I bought because I loved her shoulder length hair and also her outfit which includes the Ruth Hartley double smocked dress, always a favourite of mine. Her companion will need to wait a day or two before appearing due to needing a little work, some chest caving sorted and a hair wash to start off with.

I'm back to knitting hats to save my bank balance from disappearing any more and to hopefully get to complete my goal re the newly bought skeins, I have about 15 left and 8 days till the end of the month, so should be doable, hands permitting.

On another note my little grandson's landed up in hospital , having been taken ill on Friday with what appears to be a virus. They discovered he's got a heart murmur as well, when he was checked over , so that will need checking out too.

He's now feeling much better but waiting on some test results before he'll be released hopefully later today or tomorrow. They seem to pick up so many illnesses once they are at nursery or school these days.

So that's what's been happening around here.

Have a happy healthy funny filled week ahead


Sunday, 16 March 2025



So after a lovely warm sunny week we were plunged back into 'winter' for the week ! I'm pleased to say we kept the sun but it was accompanied by a bitter chill most days. A reminder that although Spring is now here, winter's still got a bite in it's tail.
But having sunny days does make a difference even if cold.

I forgot to tell you about my error the other week ! On my mobile, if I'm deleting emails to clear up now many are on there, as I go through several, if a few from the same company are deleted, it will say would you like to delete all those from the 'knitting network' ? If I click yes, it will then say 6 deleted etc. So early one morning a week or so back, I was deleting and getting the message every so often, when I clicked yes on one that said 'yahoo' it then paused for a minute and then announced 10,000 messages deleted !!! 
Oh yes that's correct 10000 ! 
It appears that it had not just been deleting emails in my inbox but when I clicked yes on that message it deleted everything !!! including all message kept in my files !!!

all photo's, messages etc that I had stored !!!
I then had to get the laptop up and running and go through the deleted items and decide which ones I needed to keep ! 
Okay I didn't need to restore all ten thousand and it allowed me to sort out and get rid of some very old files but still took me a good few hours over a couple of days to go through everything.

Needless to say I'll be paying much more attention should that message ever appear again!

Well I'm still obsessed with knitting doll hats! 

So much so, I ordered some more of the mini skeins, so that I have a nice big variety of patterns and colours.

Two lots, one lot is pale skeins and the second lot more colourful.

 Since I saw somewhere about knitting? for the month of March, that's what I have decided to do ! I will knit at least one hat a day for March and then I will stop for a break. 
I'm knitting three skeins from the first bag and three from the second, then back to the first, to give me a nice mix as I go.

If I can knit at least three a day, I will use up all the new skeins I just bought so they won't be sitting around unused.

Also with luck by the end of the month Spring will have sprung and I'll be able to get back into the studio to finish Granny's Christmas tale and decide about moving to the bigger studio.

Today's headliner is Liberty, who appeared on the fb group this week because they are focusing on dungaree's and she happened to be wearing my favourite yellow pair by Sarah of Vintage Sasha.
I wish Sarah would start making and selling again, although she is so popular it's a fight to manage to buy something. 

On the doll front, apart from buying the skeins for the hats, I have been so good and bought nothing else! I know it cannot last but maybe it will while I'm knitting as it's less time to coast the internet and falling for a pretty face ! 

I've stopped sorting out things to sell for a while, it's too cold to be out in the studio searching and I've knitting to do ! lol 
Although I have been sorting out things indoors to donate to the local charity shops, so slowly making a dent in all the 'stuff' we have.

On that note I'm off to do some knitting if I hope to keep on track. The arthritis in my hands kicks in every so often but I just try and work through it and only stop if it's really bad. I have to say it's easier to listen to all the unbelievable things going on in the world while knitting ! 
These are worrying times where we have to live in hope, that people will find the courage to oppose those in power, who are trying to turn the world into a dark place and not blindly give into their own greed and fear. We look for the light and hope it's not too long in coming !

Have a healthy happy week ahead
