Saturday, 1 May 2021


Well it's the 1st of May ! And guess what or I should say who arrived this morning !You may remember that just the other week I was saying how I had a feeling that I would like to add another lovely brunette button nose to my small clan ......

Yes I know she's not a brunette but she was just sitting on ebay waiting to find a new home

and looked so cute I didn't have the heart to tell her ,Sorry I'm really in the market for a brunette not a blonde!

How could I not invite her home! So I saw her and won her in April but she's arrived on the first of May both April or May could be used therefore as her name ( There were rumbling from Olivia about not another M named Button what with Margo and Magda ) but then once she'd arrived and we had a chat and a change of clothes a name was decided on.

Octavia ! Of course Olivia is over the moon that there will be another button nose with a name starting with O! 

Octavia means Eigth ! and she is in fact the eight button nose to come and live in the family , although there are not actually eight here now. At one time there were three button lads and a different brunette button nosed girl ( who yes I do regret selling ) 

So it also solved the not another M button nose girl arguement put up by Olivia , although with Olivia's twin brother, Oliver , there are now three O's , which Olivia is quite smug about!

Octavia was nearly called Jamie Lee after Jamie Lee Curtis, because Octavia started life as a boy! But somewhere along the way she changed into a girl and Jamie Lee Curtis started life with her gender unclear , so a name was given that would work whichever way her soul took her.

Octavia was quite interested in maybe having that name , then asked the other button's names , so I said

we have Magda, Margo, Olivia, Beatice and Oliver , she decided as Jamie Lee she would stand out too much and she really wanted to become part of the button nose clan, so Octavia was agreed on , with Tavia or Tavy for short.

So she is settling in with the other children , I think she will like it here. Now I just need to find that elustive brunette button...but not quite yet!



  1. Oh, she's really adorable! You definitely couldn't pass her up. It just simply means that you need to find two brunettes now to balance things out ;-)

    1. I knew you'd understand :) Two brunettes... sounds like a plan oh ! but then I'd need another red too!....well it's only fair I suppose... ;)
