Sunday, 14 May 2023


 Well what a great weekend that was for the coronation, beautiful. I'll have to take down all the bunting outside the front and change the flag back, it will seems quite bare once that's done, but it will soon seem back to normal.

We have lots to do here, trying to get the outside sorted but the weather is not playing the game! It was almost like winter here Saturday, a cold wind and low cloud that didn't really move all day, despite a promise of some sun!

Today is supposed to be low cloud to start then clearing... mm... yes it was ! nice and warm in the afternoon

Since we sold my car, I decided it was time to have yet another clear out of the carport! It seems to be a magnet for rubbish! It didn't help that our recycling centre was not open two days of the week, which meant the weekend is a nightmare to try and go. But it's been taken over by a different company and is back open seven days a week. Which meant when we went last week, it was no queueing and straight in and soon back out again.

What it looked like after we'd cleared out the first run of bags etc to the cycling centre!

All the rubbish that will probably take two trips to the recycling.

The reorganised space leaving the bikes and exercise bike along with all the bits of wood and a couple of other things that are waiting to be moved elsewhere. That little, what looks like a bit of rubbish halfway up on the right is where Paul knocked over a tin of paint! So letting that dry before we give it all another sweep once the rubbish is gone.

I am expecting, once it's all cleared to be hearing the sound of sudden braking as cars passing, which are not that many, slam on the brakes in shock at catching a glimpse of a lovely tidy front drive!! I just hope no one appears with a welcome gift for the new neighbours!!! ;)

One of the pluses, apart from it being lovely and tidy finally, is that it's made me get things no longer needed onto marketplace and I have already sold some wooden flooring, two dog kennels and a puppy carrier and so making space and a bit of cash at the same time!

The weather's been very showery all week, so not much moved forward in the garden. However the showers did mean we have not had to water the new trees we planted or the plants in the new bigger flower beds.

On the doll front, I sold a non Sasha doll but still need to get into my studio and sort out the non doll items to move on. There is quite a bit that could go or be reorganised but will have to do it between sorting out the garden or on the rainy days. 

So I'm since I have not got round to blogging any stories, I'm going to carry on trying to get things done around the garden and will be taking a couple of weeks away from blogging even on the Sundays but will be back on the first of June, hopefully with much to report and share.

Wishing you all a happy healthy few weeks, see you on the 1st June


1 comment:

  1. Empty carports seem to attract rubbish, I have friends who have the same problem so you are not alone Dee. We don't have a carport, but we do have a storage room attached to our garage where we tend to put ours until we have a hard rubbish pick up in August each year.
    Good luck with all your gardening!
    Big hugs,
