Tuesday 7 May 2024



So last week was a pottering about week, sorting out bits and bobs and general tidying up. The weather had improved and we invited friends over for lunch on Friday. Did I say the weather had improved? Well it went rapidly downhill and rained the whole time they were here!

Saturday glorious sunshine and Sunday, then naturally being a bank holiday on Monday the heavens opened by the afternoon and heavy rain fell. Of course this was just around the time we'd booked the local dog park for an hour, so Paul got into his winter wet weather gear and met our eldest daughter and her dog Bear, a Malamute, there. I decided I'd best stay home and guard the house... well someone had to do it! ;)

Todays headliners are Ragnor, Erik and Robin. My np eyed 68 boys. They are still in their scouting uniforms because at some stage they will be going scouting with their brothers.

I gathered them up for the photo shoot because they are doing a section on 68 dolls on the Sasha study group on fb. Now mostly I see what's going on and enjoy looking at everyone's lovely dolls but every so often they settle on a doll, that I no longer have and set me back on the .. why did I sell her / him on? what was I thinking ? etc and it's a little like this with these 68's. At one time I had five 68 girls in the family but now have none! I know I know! what was I thinking, especially with a couple of them.

So now I 'need' to get some again and so am watching out for them but of course none are about!

Also on the doll front, no dolls left but Frankie arrived.

Which again has set me off on the need to get another couple of slate eyed girls, having owned them previously and being me sold them on in pursuit of another doll. So to that end, having seen a brunette waif available, I set about selling some clothes off. Things that have been waiting about to sell for ages.

So there will be clothes etc appearing on my sales page over the coming days and weeks in order that i can chase the dream!

I'll say no more apart than it appears to be the year of the buy it again Sasha. 

Have a lovely healthy week ahead and chase those dolly dreams if you have them



  1. Your '68 boys are the dream team!

    1. That's a bunch of Vikings for you :)

  2. Sis - get Eric the flasher sorted out - his trousers are undone :)

    1. Lol.. He had a big lunch and needed to get some room, he says you do it all the time :)

  3. I will be having words with Eric!!!!!

    1. He said 'Bring it on !' but then he scarpered and I've not seen him since...

  4. Handsome boys and what a pretty new girl, love her styling! Spots and lilac, you can never to wrong with that combination.

    Sounds like your dolls are on a merry-go-round Dee, though me thinks there are probably more ins than outs???
    Big hugs,

    1. They are blushing ;) Definitely a merry go round here and there seems to be an open door going on here at the moment! hugs x
