Sunday 18 June 2023


 It's been a week for hiding from the sun! It say it's been hot is to put it mildly and it's only June! I tried to encourage the dolls to come outside to play but they refused ! mumbling about melting, hydration and that fact they were still waiting to get out of their winter wear!!!!

Elizabeth R is the second to finally escape her sweater and kilt! Of course the weather's changed this evening and we are having the rain they promised us. Luckily we have not got the thunderstorms, just gentle showers now and then. So it's cooled down and garden will be refreshed.

Over the week , Paul's been working on the garden's raised bed, replacing the rotten wood with nice new thick planks. Which is allowing us to redesign that area of the garden. One of the things we have decided to do, is buy a metal bench to go on the stone circle in the back corner, which allows us to look back at the folly, now that several shrubs have perished over the hard winter.

I decided that I'd find some items we no longer need or use, sell them on and use the money to get the bench. I don't know if this is an age thing but I used to 'need' to keep all my lovely things I'd bought over the years and resisted selling things on. But I decided that I really didn't need my beloved garden table set, which we have not used since we bought our much bigger one a few years back.

It was at one point on the back circle for a few years, which it filled but was rarely used so it was brought down to the patio a couple of years back and lots of plant pots, filled with plants have covered the top. But that was really a waste, especially with four chairs doing nothing. So Friday I decided to sell it towards the bench purchase and it went within a few hours of being listed! No doubt at some stage in the future I will wonder where it is ! But hopefully seeing the new bench will remind me it was sold off in a good cause. Paul donated a few of his unused electric tools to the fund and all were sold between Friday and Saturday and the money raised for the bench, which I've ordered, and extra towards buying the paving and granite setts we'll need to infill the spaces due to the new bed shape.

So five unused items that were just sitting about gone and a nice new bench on it's way.

Elizabeth, who I need to restring the legs of, was happy to find this nice white spots on white dress. I do love dolls in white but do love a bit of colour, so she's kept on her blue shoes!

So now it's a bit cooler, well for a day or so, I will have to get the dolls changed. Problem is now they are at the top of the cupboard, they are too high to reach the ones at the back. So I may also be moving shelves of dolls about so the Sasha's and their brothers are on the bottom shelf and easy to just get hold of. It will at least stop Toby telling me, he is so high up he's getting a nose bleed !

On the doll front, I have to confess a couple of ruby red forever friends have arrived. But much to my surprise, since it's now summer and getting quiet as people start going out and about and going off on holiday. I have sold two non Sasha dolls and a couple of Sasha outfits along side a few other non doll items. Normally I'd not bother to list anything over the next couple of months. But since their boxes are filling up a corner of the bedroom, I decided I'd carry on for a little while longer.

Some space is slowly starting to appear in both the doll studio and the over flow shed, so a positive.

So on that note, I'm off to list a couple more none doll items.

Have a lovely healthy fun filled week ahead



  1. Elizabeth looks lovely and cool in summer white! It's been hot here too, and so dry. We could really use a whole day of rain.

    1. It's the same here weatherwise. We did have a downpour but like you say we need a day or even two just to help.
