Friday 30 June 2023



I my quest to use it or lose it! I found Hattie's box of cottons, she used to make her hats with Hattitude from.

There was lots of different colours still waiting to be used up and even a couple almost finished hats.

Mm so much!

and for some unknown/ remembered reason there was all this pink ! Hattie is convinced she would have had a reason for several balls of the same colour but it's been so long, she cannot remember!

So I told Hattie she had to use it or lose it. Hattie is not one to lose anything!

So she set her worker , me, to start making her summer brimmed hats. I told her I could only work evening which she agreed to. These were the first couple of evenings offerings.

I was allowed on evening off this week, much to my surprise! But then was asked could I make up the shortfall! Cheek !

Now she's getting photos taken with the hats, ready to start listing over the next few days!

Seeing her with the hook and start of the latest hat, I ask if she was going to start helping? I was informed that she's management not shop floor !!!!!

This is why her skin is as smooth as the day she was born and I'm looking my age, 25 in case you wondered..

So below are the hats made so far and there is still lots of cotton still to use, she did try suggesting we buy some other colours!! I had to explain that we are supposed to be reducing the box to empty, not adding more to the pile!

On that note I'd best go finish the one I started before she says I'm slacking!!


  1. Dolls can be soooo demanding Dee. :) The hats look great.
    Big hugs,

    1. They so are ! Thanks I've many more to make for the little madam!
