Sunday 10 September 2023


 " Send supplies Stop we may not make it! Stop this could be the end Stop Make it stop! Stop" and so says the telegram from the Sasha village after one week of 30 degree plus temperatures which are continuing as I type! 

So I've pretty much spent the week inside during the hours of 10 am till 6 pm with the curtains semi pulled across the French doors and windows to help reduce the temperature on the back room of the house. It's too warm to even potter about, it's more like pot  ten minutes later ter!  

Luckily I had found a new author I liked and so was able to read everyday, but that's my book buying allowance for the month gone already!

I did remind everyone about the chat n snap and so that is on track and must decide exactly what I'm doing for the display backdrop, the theme being 1940's evacuee's. It will be a station of some sort but leaving? or arriving? that is the question! In my mind it looks like brief encounter but what will be cobbled together by the day is entirely less wonderful lol.

I have to say I love the fashions of the 1920's through to the 1950's , everyone looked so smart even the children. In this day of throw away fashion, it's all stretchy fabrics and cheap cottons. 



I especially love the jackets they used to wear, so stylish. And no it wasn't just the wealthy who looked good everyone wore smart clothing. I have a photo of my mum aged fourteen in her smart jacket with a lovely brooch and bright lipstick and another of my granddad with two of his brothers walking along the sea front and all wearing smart trousers and shirts. Back then they didn't need fitted wardrobes because they didn't have so many clothes. Maybe a lesson the world could take on board for the future of the planet.

The headliners today were Bea, Magda and Arabella when they were out in the garden before the weather got too hot.

On the doll front, nothing's happened because it's just too hot. But sooner or later this weather will change, after all this is England, and then things can start to happen.

So stay cool and have a healthy fun filled week ahead



  1. What a heavenly trio of button nose beauties! I love the first vintage fashion picture. The lady on the left reminds me so much of my grandparents' wedding photo. It was during the war, and she had a suit very much like this one. I'll have to look for a pic of it. I agree with you, back then fashion was much more about quality than quantity. Stay cool. Temps over here have been like a yo-yo.

    1. Thank you for sending me your grans photo in a very similar suit, she looked so stylish. You just have to love the buttons ;)

  2. Just or a moment I thought I was looking at my mother in that pin stripe suit!!! I agree Dee there is something lacking in today's fashion, maybe we were both born in the wrong period of time. :)
    Big hugs,

    1. Our mothers and grandmothers and also the men, were just so much smarter in general, clothes wise, than we are today. People these days have no shame in going to drop the children off to school in their nightclothes....just plain lazy and disrespectful.
