Sunday 30 June 2024



So it's the last day of June, half the year gone already! And what a year it's turning out to be! We've spent the first half of the year getting things in the house and garden sorted and we are still carrying on, with changes.

The latest is I am going to move up into what was Paul's workshop, that for the last few years has just really been used to store his tools, wood and other things. But naturally since it's been basically a dumping ground, it's taking a while to clear the space but it is happening!

We can now see all the floor! and most of the sides!. He has been very good at also advertising things and selling them on, so some big items have gone straight into the back of someone's car or van and not been left in the carport. Which make more space for the other bits and pieces.

Of course being us, we ordered a new small shed, to replace our garden tool shed, where the lawn mower etc is kept, so that some of these items could be stored in with them. So now we need to remove the old small shed and put in the new one! When really we should be carrying on with the clear out! But it sort of makes sense ! At least to us!

I've been working on my side of the workshop, moving things out and clearing some space. So it's happening if only at a slow pace.

The Sasha festival finished a good time was had by all and much money raised. I had asked Gill to get me a couple of pairs of Rosie's shoes  and she bought me back the colours I had asked for.

A nice dark green and a sunny yellow.

Also Gerry M, had a while back asked if she could use one of my garden photos for a Sasha display she was doing for the festival. She very kindly sent me a copy of her water colour she'd done from it.

Which will make a nice little backdrop for the dolls and she came third in her section of the doll display competition. Well done Gerry!

And Gill gave me this union jack suitcase on wheels. She had bought one to take for her dolls to the festival and then received one as a festival gift. which meant I was the lucky receiver of her now extra case.

So not a bad haul for someone who did not get the chance to attend.

Todays headliners are this months arrivals! Yes four! I know but last month it was six!!! So we have from the left Tiffany, Mitzi, Perry and Daisy. All looking nice and summery.

On the doll front, it's been three out and two in. A couple of other items have also gone, so slowly making a tiny difference. In fact another doll did leave but has part of a swap for a different doll by the same artist. I swapped one of my Roche in part payment for another more expensive and hard to find Roche, a doll which I love and have wanted since I started collecting a few of them. However it did mean I've had to swap another I loved and sell another Roche doll in order to get this other doll. So in her case it will land up being something like three out and one in. So in a way that's another reducetion in dolls.

I also decided that I'm going to sell even more of the non Sasha dolls I have and try and keep my collecting down to just a few types of dolls. Which meant I have listed both my Carpatina boys and a Ruby Red girl with other dolls to follow. 

On that note I'm off to make some lunch, then box up a doll and move some more things around in the workshop.

Have a lovely happy healthy week ahead and remember doll photo day on the fifth.


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