Sunday 25 February 2024



Well at last it is Sunday! We decided Sunday would be a day of rest, especially for Paul, who is working so hard on getting the new kitchen fitted in. At last all the units are in and the new ovens etc working. I may need to go to a evening class !, to be taught how to use these new fangled appliances ! But I'm sure it will be worth it in the end!

Paul's almost finished the build on the kitchen but as is usual with these things, there are extra's like repainting the old larder cupboard and decorating the kitchen walls etc. The wallpaper is here and it's the willow pattern, Paul's favoured one. I favoured the Marigold but Paul was not keen, if he's been saying either, it would be the Marigold but he wasn't so Willow won out.

We also changed the shade of green we had planned, due to the change of paper and that's set to arrive on Monday along with the paint for the larder cupboard.

Now you may remember just how much I love my kitchen cupboard handles and although we did go with new handles when we ordered the kitchen, I suggested to Paul we look at if the old handles would lift the kitchen from the ultra modern look. At first he was, no lets have a change, but then when we compared the old ones against the doors then the new ones, I'm pleased to say the vote went with the old handles!

And by the skin of our teeth, and taking the ones off the larder cupboard, we had just enough for all of the new kitchen doors and drawers! So I thought I'd let you have a sneaky peak at part of the kitchen since you have been waiting patiently ;)

You can still see the chaos behind this new peninsular, which I'm trying to tackle now that the boxes of kitchen parts are all open and used. Naturally we also have more things than can fit in the new cupboards, so plenty of decisions on what stays and what goes. Or if you are me, asking Paul to add more shelves using parts from the old kitchen, where possible.

Also on Friday the landscape garden people turned up to start on the flower garden circular paving area. Because Paul fitted the kitchen, we could have someone come and do the paving, a job Paul really didn't want to have to do.

Once it's done , it will mean there is a paved way from the house to the back gate and also another area that won't need lots of maintenance apart from a sweep now and then. It stops the dogs from churning up the grass that was there , turning it to mud as they chased each other round the circle. More about that on the garden blog.

Another thing is, they hired a mini digger to remove all the earth for the mot and had a lorry with a grabber arrive to collect it from the end of the drive and was all done and the soil gone by midday!, We'd have been digging by hand and trying to scatter the extra soil round the garden which would have been hard and taken ages. 

However we just have loads of cardboard and packing to recycle along with a load of old units! Still plenty to get on with but nothing like moving tons of earth, then bringing in tons of hardcore, then laying paving. This way the kitchens happening and will be in by middle of the week and so will the flower garden paving, perfect!

Our headliner today is Stevie, an old photo since too much is going on. Not much is happening in my doll world at present apart from me admiring them as I wander past.

She is wearing warmer clothes and not what is seen here, so done be reporting me to the bad doll mum society! I'd show an up to date photo accept I still cannot get to the cabinet , but should be able to in a couple of days. 

So I wish you all a happy healthy fun filled week ahead.


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