Sunday 15 September 2024



Yes, It's already mid September and the sun is shinning but there is also cloud about too. Where have I been I hear you asking , well COVID stopped play! Paul came down with Covid last Thursday and promptly passed it on to myself and Lindsey! 

So not a lot happened in the last week! Naturally life ticked along around us as we stayed away from people, so as not to pass it on, unlike whoever gave it to Paul! But we are now all clear of it and can venture outside once again. 

Yesterday we managed to get some work done in the front garden, which has become slightly overgrown and in need of some shrubs being reduced or removed. Along with the dreaded brambles which always appear and fight their way through the bushes to snag you when you are not paying attention!. We intend to replace our front side fence over the autumn winter, the existing one has been there for a good 15 years plus and is starting to rot in places plus when we put it up the area was open, so the fence panels were fancy ones with gaps been the slats. Now however the shrubs have grown and hide most of the panels and our next door neighbour, on that side, decided a few years back to stop cutting his grass.( He also complains when our shrubs grow over the fencing! )So that now grows to about three foot high and we now have to pull loads of grass out of our gravel path. So a nice solid fence will hopefully reduce some of his grass seed getting into our gravel.

But first we need to tidy it all up. Honestly a gardeners work is never done! 

September is spider month, they start appearing everywhere! They have been about anyway but in September they like you to see them sitting on their webs

Ragnor and Robin are todays headliners, although all they ask at present is 'are we going camping or  what? ' I do keep saying they are, but it needs to happen soon before the really cold wet weather arrives! We had a mini taste of winter this last week, with the temperature dropping down very low overnight and some heavy showery days. So those knees will need covering up soon !

On the doll front due to the Covid not much as happened , although I did sell a doll before it hit. Also a few props arrived... I know I know.. there is really very little hope for me!

But pretty much nothing else happened. 

A busy week ahead for us here, with various appointments and the delivery of my new indoor doll display cupboard.

So I will wish you all a happy healthy week ahead 




  1. Glad you are on the mend now Sis! Still at least you didn't buy much whilst ill.....every cloud and all that!!

    1. Thanks Sis, :) Yes that was a good savings cloud ...

  2. Glad to hear that you and Paul are feeling better. Those are some handsome looking scouts. Holly Belle says that she wouldn't mind receiving some assistance from them ;-)

    1. Thank you. The boys are now blushing and grinning at Holly Belle's words lol
