Thursday 5 September 2024



First up is Adelheid on Griselda at RoRoPo where she is smelling the beautiful yellow flowers called "Madchenauge" girls eyes, of course!

Look at this wonderful horse! So majestic ! The children here in the Sasha village, love Griselda and keep asking when they can have such a fine steed! I keep telling them they had best start looking after their horses Major and General first before asking for another one!

Over the pond at Gregoropolis the Caleb's and Cora's decided that it was time they stood together long enough for Daddy Steve to get that elusive photo! 

From the left, Blake, James and Valerie, all looking lovely in their summer clothes.

Meanwhile Kaveh and Rhoda are busy getting their gear together for the first day back at school.

Daddy Steve is concerned that Rhoda may throw the football about in the classroom and he won't even get to the end of the first week before he gets called in ! Kaveh is trying to convince her to take something else instead but Rhoda's having none of it! Best stay near that phone Steve...

Here in the village Saffy is wanting to know what's going on? Dolls coming and going , space made, space lost ? When will mum get her act together ! Or do we dolls need to start running the place?....

Thank you to everyone sending in photos, still space for more



  1. Lovely photos of all the beautiful Sasha's. I don't get to see the dark skinned ones much ... do they all have lippy on??
    Big hugs,

    1. They're difficult to photograph (plus my photography skills are not so great). I had to lighten the picture up considerably, and that made their lips look a brighter pink than they actually are. They're really more of a dark plum color.

    2. Good to know , you weren't going round with the lippy ;)
