Saturday 20 December 2014


Everyone in the Sasha village is worried about Lucas! He's taken to his bed and only gets up to use the bathroom! Mum takes him tasty treats but he barely eats a mouthful before turning away and laying back down.

Even Flames worried! Lucas as not dragged him about the house and squashed him, squeezed him or even bashed him !! He's really missing it all!

Flames turns round as Callie and Mimi come in to the bedroom to see how Lucas is.
"What a mess !" says Mimi , who likes everything nice and tidy
" Oh he is still in bed!" says Callie.

While Callie goes to the bed,Mimi starts picking up the clothes tutting at their now creased and grubby state
"Lucas Lucus " calls Callie softly " How are you Sweetie? "

"Go way Callie " sighs Lucas " am tired "
" But Lucas you have been in bed for three days now! You need to come down stairs and join in all the fun " says Callie 

" No fun no Co n ner " Lucas's voice give a little wobble
Callie looks away and blinks back the tears that want to fall at Lucas sad tired voice.

Callie turns as she hears Mimi exclaim " What an earth is this? "
She's pulling out something from under the bed.

"It's a rope ladder ! " says Mimi in surprise " Why is it under the bed!"
"Because he wants to be able to escape" says Callie as if Mimi should know that!
"Escape what? " 
"Her of course " sighs Callie " He still worries she find him and take him back to that cold place "

"Oh No surely not!" whispers Mimi in distress
Callie gives her shoulder a friendly pat " It's all right Mimi, Mum says he'll give it back once he's been here long enough to know he really is safe now"
Mimi and Callie leave the room upset that poor Lucas is still missing his friend .



  1. Nice to sleep little Lucas sleeps with one eye open! Be afraid very afraid :)

    1. He does not need to sleep with one eye open, his brothers have his back Queeny!! so beware!!

  2. Awww poor poor child, who terrors lurk in his little head after the life he once had to live? ;)
    I do feel for him, he's been a bit of a terror in the Village, but surely he really is just a child, we can't blame him for all the things he's done when he really doesn't know any better, can we?
    I hope that he'll cheer up soon and go downstairs with the others to enjoy his Christmas.
    Big hugs Sharon xxx

    1. Exactly Sharon, you have hit the nail on the head, he is a child whose past as been terrible and he needs time to heal :)xxx

  3. *shudder*
    Ronny, what are you up to?

    1. Lock your doors Anne , don't invite old Icy in..... :)

  4. Lucas's room looks like a typical child's room, with stuff everywhere even under the bed (I see he has been raiding the garden games box when the others haven't been looking). I hope he cheers up soon.

    1. Yes a typical child's bedroom! but we need him to feel safe enough to give up that ladder!

  5. Oh Gosh! When did ALL these latest posts appear. They certainly weren't there when I last looked earlier this morning.
    Unfortunately it's now too late in the day for me to comment on them all, as it's way past my bedtime as it is, so guess that I'll just follow Lucas' example and head under my duvet too until the morning.
    A dear little post. Thanks.

    1. Pretty much on after the other, once I thought there'd be too many photo's for one post! So put them in to each visit. or we'd still be here on Christmas day and well I don't want him to miss Christmas...I hope!
      See you tomorrow then, hope you had a good night's sleep :)

  6. Hi Lucas
    Connor will be sending you a present soon. He's still on his journey home so he isn't able to write on the card yet. As soon as he does that, I'll mail it to you - a special package just for you - though Flame might like it too.
    Connor has had a wonderful time at your house and I'm sure you will see him soon.
    Jenni xx

    1. I'll tell him Jenni but he may not believe me as he is very down at the moment. I'll tell him that Connor may come back again next year but a years a long time to tot! :)

  7. Lucas is certainly the little heart twister. I hope he peeks out in time for Christmas! Great post Dee and the girls are just beautiful. :) xxx

    1. He is indeed Ginger, one of those Children you love but do make you despair at times!
      Glad you enjoyed this post :)xx
