Sunday, 12 June 2016


Well what a weekend , sunshine and showers and our lovely Queens 90th birthday, oh and Sharon's too... well not her 90th unless she's looking pretty good for that age!!

While I am typing this the light's on, even though it's only 10 to 7 in the evening, because heavy dark grey thunder clouds are rumbling their way across the sky outside the window. the one good thing is at least the rain will water the garden and save us a job!

I had hoped to do the next installment of the carpet bag arrival but this weekend turned out to be a gardening one, despite me wanting to have a massive sort out of my clothing and also to sort out some dolls and their things to sell on!

It is supposed to be the year of the house here and it will be , it's just taking a little time to get everything together but we did make a start on Friday and one of the next steps is me clearing out a lot of doll stuff, so that the bathroom can be moved into the room it's all stored in. But it's so hard deciding what to move on! Sometimes I think put everything up for sale and what does not sell I keep! But then I know all my most beautiful dolls and clothes will vanish or one of my main characters could go, so that's not a good idea!

But I do need to find that space, so some things will need to be moved on!

Lots happening at work at the moment and I am having to do quite a lot of training to enable me  to work in the way my company now requires plus of course we are short of staff ! and the holidays are coming up!

But I'm starting to get into one of those moods where things have to start happening, we've lived here 11 years now and after the first burst of wall knocking down, chimneys removed, room decorated, doors change etc etc it all came to a slow meander but now the need for change is once again upon me, so bathroom's need moving and doors replaced and wall knocked down etc etc, does anyone else get into these moods when things just have to be given a new least of life?

Of course the garden being a living thing always needs attention , even if you try to ignore it, well I do but Paul cannot, but it is a place you can change much more easily with a bit of hard work and a plan, so this weekend after being inspired from our trip to Kew gardens a few weeks back, late Saturday afternoon we tackled our Alpine/ Rockery.

This is Kew's.

This was ours on Saturday morning

and this is ours now on Sunday early evening. You can see how we did it on the garden blog at the side bar. It still needs finishing, so yet another day at least next weekend but I will have started on the clear out indoors in the evening and I will post the next installment of The Carpet Bag on Tuesday providing the weathers bright enough for me to take the photos when I get in from work.

Have a lovely week and remember to make time to enjoy your dolls.



  1. Whilst I'm commenting here we still have brilliant sunshine and light outside but I'm only too aware that a week on Tuesday will be the UK's longest day and having read somewhere this week that Christmas is only 140+ days away I'm beginning to ask myself just where this year has gone? As I glance around I notice that NO planned jobs seem to have have got done either. Might as well give up and carry on regardless of any forward planning etc. Un-needed/unwanted stuff still piled or squeezed in everywhere, still 78 Sasha Dolls living here when the ruling is NO more dolls allowed that your age number!
    Perhaps I'll soon be inspired by the forth coming activities at The Sasha Village???

    1. Oh, just breathing a sign of relief as I can correct the approx. 140+ days left to Christmas to 194 days (or 195 sleeps!)
      THAT might make ALL the difference!

    2. It's amazing how time just seems to be forever escaping us! Such great plans are made only to turn round and the day or weekend's gone and nothing done yet again! not even plans just intention's thought of in the morning and vanished by afternoon!
      I ignore the thought of Christmas until the middle of November then I realise I need to get my skates on!!

  2. Have a great week Dee! I always love to see the photos of your garden. I wish you much success in your goal of thinning-out things and I am in the midst of doing the very same thing here on Cow Creek. Poor Rick is hauling away things for Goodwill, trash and even some things for storage which I have placed in huge, clear tubs with the thought of dealing with those possessions later on.....At least we are making a dent in the massive amount of "stuff" which has laid claim to our once empty house over the past 11 years.

    We are very motivated though since Janet and Tricia will be coming to visit with us next month. I am thrilled about their visit and so want to make their stay comfortable and memorable. This is definitely the year of Sasha travel. I am so very happy we finally met!! Yeah! :) xxx

    1. Thank you Ginger and you too :) Sounds like you at least have made a start ! Which is good much better than leaving it all to the last minute and being worn out when your guests arrive.
      And how Lovely that Janet and Tricia will be visiting while they are in the US for the festival, I hope you have some time off from work to rest after all that chatting and laughing you'll be doing late into the night!

      It was wonderful to have finally met :) xxxxx

  3. Great progress at St. Ipp's Towers gardens. I love seeing what you and Paul are up to, be that in the garden, the house or the studio.
    Love the rockery, it is going to look glorious.

    1. Thanks Jenni :) How did you know I'd like some towers and maybe a draw bridge ! :) So much to do so little time... the summer :) We are really pleased how it's come out, just need that las push to finish it!
