Monday 6 November 2023


 Well the end of October was busy with the Chat n Snap finally happening, a lovely buzzing day of fun and then it's over and all but a dream! Apart from, of course, having to put everything back where it came from. My house looks like burglars have rampaged through it, leaving boxes and goodness knows what else scattered about the downstairs rooms.

I always manage to forget something but luckily the hall is literary just down the road and round the corner! So Paul tends to spend the day, after helping set up, travelling back and forward between hall and home collecting items needed and taking care of the dogs. Dog's still need their walk, they don't care about some old doll event!.

This year I had a sales table and managed to sell a few things including a couple of non Sasha dolls.

We've spent the week sorting things out in the garden, once the storm had passed, foolishly went to the garden centre, so a few plants did come home with us! But only a few! 

This days headliner is Valentine and Toby

When I was sorting things out before the chat n snap, I found all the scout and brownie uniforms and since some of the boys were still in shorts and no top I started dressing them in the uniforms. Yes I know it's now November but hey back in the day, small boys wore shorts all year round! Plus I thought the boys could have a last minute adventure camping! So they are still waiting for a nice dry clear day.

Valentine is still refusing to wear proper shoes or boots, his troop leader Percy has told him red sandals will not cut it and the troop will lose points if he doesn't change them! Zac needs to find his uniform and get ready for the trip and Toby needs to stop complaining that they will all freeze to death if they are not eaten by a Yeti first! 

On the doll front

Once I'd finished putting everything away, well almost everything, I started listing a few things, here on the sales page, on the fb bazaar and also on Ebay. I'm please to say I sold a bunch of unused shoes, some dresses and a few odds and ends along with another three dolls! Yes three, so five in total over the last week. One doll did arrive, a Sasha of sorts, more about her another time. 

So a slow steady stream of items leaving but not really anything big, from the props side of things but then I've not really sorted those things out to sell apart from one horse! However I have cleared out several drawers from the tall plastic units and hopefully will at some point go down from four to two.

I did buy some fabric for some clothes for a non Sasha doll but apart from that and the Sasha doll who arrived with me back from the CnS plus the three items of clothing, nothing else. I know I'm on a mission! It's normally called Mission impossible but maybe at present Mission in progress?

These fabric's will actually get used as I'm sending some off to be made up, just to make sure it does happen!

On that note I'll wish you all a happy healthy November and week ahead



  1. Valentine's shoes may not 'regulation' for the scouts, but they certainly are stylish. Maybe there's a merit badge for fashion!

    1. They do add a little something special to his outfit! I believe he is working on that badge as we speak ;)
