Wednesday 1 November 2023


 Some early photos of the raffle prizes.

By the time the raffle was ready to call there were two Sasha's , two babies and one Gregor!





and this was just the beginning, the three tables were overflowing by the time the raffle took place and a wonderful £684 was raised on this alone.

A couple of the dols up for adoption.

Now I just loved this wigwam, that Jane W put into the raffle and it was speaking to me, telling me stories I could weave with it and there were many. I mentioned to Dawn that I wanted to win it and the next thing I knew she'd mentioned it to Jane and she withdrew it from the raffle and gave it to me as a gift! 

I felt a bit guilty that it had happened, so when my number was called for a prize I didn't take one, counting the wigwam as it. I will also be adding a donation to the final total being sent to the charity.

Now unbelievable as it will sound I only bought three items ! Yes just three, a pair of Gregor shorts, a dress set for a forever friends doll, both off Ginny and then right at the end a beautiful dress by Janet MD. I would have loved to have bought more but I needed to move things on, not add to the piles. 

So another chat n snap over and done, hopefully there will be just one more in 2025 to make the ten, then someone else can run an event yearly and I can just attend maybe.

PS. Lots of bits and pieces for sale now on the sales page 

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