Friday, 20 December 2024



Granny's looking at her phone and tutting !

"Who is sending me silly pictures ? " she asks Bruno thrusting the phone into his face " What is that ? "

" Looks like the front door " Bruno replies moving away from Granny to check out the front 

" Yes someone's left a bear on the doorstep !"

"Honestly these delivery men! Just drop things out side , take a photo and rush off with not even a knock at the door ! " grumbles Granny " Better bring it in before it goes walkabout!"

"It's another giant bear ! " Bruno calls back to Granny 
"Argh! " Granny growls " Better bring it in !"

Bruno grabs the bear and pulls her in through the shop door. Thank goodness she's not as big as that camel that turned up yesterday !
"Oh " calls Granny as Bruno pulls the bear puffing and groaning " There should be a little pull along horse too "

When he goes back out in search of a small pull along horse , he gasps 

"Wow " whispers Bruno hugging the horse 

Excitedly he climbs onto the horse's back 

Granny's voice comes from inside the shop " You can put it in the window and hopefully he'll sell quickly "
Bruno looks at just how far from the ground he is and where the window comes on him !

Getting down, he turns the horse ready to lead him round to the back garden " It's alright Granny I think I'll have him for my Christmas present " he rubs his face against the horse's nose.

"What a pull along toy ! " Granny calls back sounding surprised " Are you not a little old for that? "

Rubbing the horse's nose Bruno calls back " You said I could pick my own gift this year !"
"Well yes but I though you'd want a new bike or something "
" No thanks Granny " Bruno smiles at the horse  " Luigi is just perfect "
"Okay " comes the reply " Go put him away and come back there's work to be done, I'll wrap him up later "

Bruno giggles and leads Luigi off towards the back garden .


  1. Bruno! Oh YES! A horse of your own, and what a beautiful one! Here at RoRoPo, we all know: life is better from horseback! If anyone deserves this, it is you! Always so much work to do for you for your - excuse me - a little bit grumpy granny...
    Looking forward to see granny's face when she tries to wrap Luigi!

    1. Yes at last Bruno has a lovely horse, even if he is on wheels ! I think Granny may try to backout of the agreement but Bruno is in love, so not a chance !
