Friday 21 March 2014


The Sasha villagers were having a quiet day after the excitement of their two visitors and Mossy's adventure.
So they were off at school or nursery and a couple were out shopping with mum.

It's a lovely sunny morning.....when......

Wir sind hier, endlich!
Ich bin so müde
Sie werden sicherlich bieten uns einen Platz zum Ausruhen
Ich hoffe, dass so ... sigh

We are here at last!
I'm so tired
They will certainly provide us with a place to rest
I hope so  sigh..

Englander die Tür öffnen! Wir sind angekommen!

Englander open the door! We have arrived!

Shh müssen wir nett fragen zu kommen oder sie können nicht wie wir

Shh, we must ask nicely to come or they may not like us

Was nicht zu mögen! Ich bin ein Deutsch Bär aus dem Schwarzwald, und Sie sind ein pongratz Mädchen auch aus Deutschland!
What's not to like! I am a German bear from the black forest and you are a Pongratz girl also from Germany!

Shh jemand kommt ..

Shh someone comes...

The door opens and Ashley appears " Hello Can I help you ? "

"Guten Morgen sind wir gekommen, um an der Dorf Sasha live!"

Ashley looks confused " I am sorry I cannot understand what you are saying ?"

The little girl wonder if she can catch the man in the red van who dropped them off , she's not sure she wants to live somewhere that she cannot be understood!

The bear is not so easily put off and knows some English
" We are come to live with you ! I am surprise for the Frau Mum !"
"Oh " say Ashley " Welcome to the Sasha Village, please come inside "

Edward loves this time of the morning! He is sitting down to have his elevenses , ALONE! everyone is elsewhere  and he can use his personal china and eat his delicate cakes while sipping his earl grey tea.. bliss !

Suddenly the door to the breakfast room swings open and Ashley arrives with the newcomers.
"I'm glad you are here Edward. I have just let in these people who have come to live in the village "

The German bear climbs on the table " Guten Morgen Mr Edward " he says cheerfully " I am Gunther and I have come to live in the Village and help protect all you bears and children !"
" No one told me that you were coming !" says Edward Snifferly " Does Mrs Mum know?"
" I am SURPRIZE!!! " shouts Gunther happily " I am come to live and eat the lovely honey toast towers and help teach you all German which you should know as bears ARE German!"
" I am a Panda " says Edward stiffly " and Panda's come from China! although I came form Sussex or was it Kent? " he wonders

" I am very tired " says the little girl " Can I rest somewhere ? "
" Oh " says Edward " Ashley find the child? "  " Gretchen " says the girl " " Gretchen a bed so she can rest up"
Ashley gathers the now very tired Gretchen under her wing and takes her off to rest.

Before she leaves she puts another of the bears bags on the table.
Gunther does not even notice her leaving having seen the cakes " I hope the cakes are not always so winzig ,eh I mean tiny ! But I see you still have some honey but where is toast?? "

"What is that chirping noise ? " asks Edward

" Oh I am forgotten!" laughs Gunther and empties the net bag out on the table which is then followed by lots of louder chirping and the sound of marbles running across the table!

" Mrs Anne sent you some chicks for your garden and some marbles for the boys " the chicks start running about pecking at the table cloth and one eyes up the butterfly cake on the plate ! " Oh yes a little rabbit for the girls also!"
Frightened to ask  but feeling he must Edward says " and in the red bag? "

Gunther opens the bag and stands up a large book " Faust ! A good German book for us to read together ! Now enough of you where is the toast and is there your English tea in this pot! "

Edward lays his head on the table and mutters " Good Lord What have I done to deserve this? "

One of the chicks sees this as an opportunity to get a better view  while Gunther replies " Edward you have done much to deserve me to come live and help protect the village, Now once I have had some Honey toast I would meet with Sir Walter to plan village protection " he grabs the teapot " Is this drink still hot or do you need to make more while you make my toast?"
Edwards sighs..........


I would like to thank Anne for this lovely and totally unexpected gift of the German bear, who I have named Gunther, along with the chicks , marbles, rabbit and book which arrived this morning along with my new Pongratz girl, who also just happened to arrive from Germany with the same postman! So I felt she should be included in this post.


  1. Oh - what have I done. The gift turns out into a german invasion.
    But I believe strongly in Sir Edward. After some tea, he'll rearrange the things
    and the germans hopefully will be able to blend in without making to much trouble.

    Little Gretchen is so sweet! What a quiet, suptle face and I love the wooden texture. (Gretchen is my Grandmas name.)

    1. Gunther will soon fit in, he is just full of energy and hungry , he needs to keep that pot belly of his full :)
      I'm sure between Edward and Sir Walter he'll soon be worn out and blending in and another guard bear can only be a plus with an Elf Princess in the garden!

      What a coincidence that Gretchen is your Grandma's name and a Gretchen arrived with your bear :)

  2. Looking like it's another case of 'Any more room at the inn?' I reckon that your house must be getting 'full to bursting' by now. I can see that an application for an extension will soon be on it's way to the Council's Planning Department. You certainly won't be 'had' for the bedroon tax now!

    I felt quite sorry for Edward having his quiet Elevenses time interrupted by 'all and sundry' ....though how wonderful to have such delightful surprise gifts.
    Looks like a great snack with the Earl Grey tea, cakes and best china out. Nothing but the best then for Edward!

    You are certainly now getting quite an international collection of dolls living at the Sasha Village!

    1. The dolls are not the problem Kendal it's all their propsthat take up the room!! that's why I need a studio !! :) Mine you I would quite like an extension it would be warmer than the shed!!
      Edward is a panda of taste so only the best china and smallest of cakes will do for his elevenses :)
      We are very much an international Village :)

  3. How nice to see your new Pongratz girl! I have always liked the Pongratz dolls although I don't have any. From time to time I am very tempted to buy a Sylvia Natterer, a Heidi Ott oder an Elisabeth Pongratz doll. So many nice dolls and so few room... Do you know the book "Künstler machen Puppen für Kinder" by Ulrike Zeit? It is a book about early artist dolls. Sasha Morgenthaler and Elisabeth Pongratz are mentioned and some of their dolls are shown. It is a short summary of some of the not so very popular early doll-making artists in Germany and Switzerland such as Marion Kaulitz e.g. Whereas Kathe Kruse was and still is very famous and "known" by many collectors, Marion Kaulitz is not so popular, although she made dolls of a high quality.
    The book is out of print but there are some copies available on the second-hand market.

    Poor Edward, by the way ;-)))

    1. Thank you Distel, I have loved these wooden dolls for a long time but never managed to get one until now! So was over the moon when she arrived and was as nice as I knew she would be. She only as the wooden head , I would one day like to get a completely wooden one.
      I will look out for the book, I wonder if they do an english version , it would be nice to read as well as see all the photo's of dolls.
      I have a page full of Pongratz doll photo's on pinterest some of which are of lots of these dolls together, I would love to see that is a shop where I could go in and pick one!! :)
      Thank you for the information.
      I'm sure Edward will rise to the challenge of another bear with attitude ! :)

  4. Guten Morgen, Dee! Gretchen gefällt mir sehr gut. Sie hat einen wunderschönen Kopf - ich wollte schreiben "Holzkopf", aber dieser Ausdruck bei uns negativ behaftet. Er steht für jemanden, der stur ist oder schwer von Begriff:))
    Ich finde es immer schön, wenn noch andere schöne Künstlerpuppen in der Sashawelt Platz finden. Gibt es Puppen, die ganz aus Holz sind - auch der Körper?
    ...und Edward hat ein Problem mit dem kleinen Schwarzwaldbären? Das wird schon - brauch wohl seine Zeit, bis jeder wieder seinen Platz hat im Rudel:))

    1. danke, ja das Wort Holzkopf hat zwar dieselbe Bedeutung in england :) diese Puppen sind so schön und man kann sie mit allen Holz Bobies erhalten, aber sie sind teurer und haben Sammler nach ihnen wie der schöneren Sasha.

      Ich bin sicher, dass der Schwarzwald-Bär wird seinen Platz in der Packung oder umarmen zu finden wird aber eine Weile dauern :)

    2. Translate of my reply
      thank you, yes the word wooden head does have same meaning in england :) these dolls are so beautiful and you can get them with all wooden bobies but they are more expensive and have collectors after them like the nicer sasha's.

      I am sure the black forest bear will find his place in the pack or hug but will take a little while :)

    3. Danke, Dee, für die Antwort auf Deutsch. You write very good German! I can only hope that one day I can write English just as well:)

    4. Ah Barbara I must confess I use google translate and just copy and paste! I can barely manage English never mind another language !! :)

  5. Another wonderful tale, loved it are SOOOOOO wasted in the Bank!!!! I love your new girl! I've heard of these dolls but never seen them in real life....well I haven't now either really, but feel like I have. It is so nice to diversify our dolly collecting, although it gets a bit out of hand sometimes, doesn't it. There are sooo many beautiful dolls out there...and so little money! LOL.
    I also think that this little German bear is going to be a good addition to The Village. He looks like he's going to fit in really well, although I'm not sure how Mr Mossy will take to him!!! And he obviously does enjoy his food...a bear after my own heart!!!!

    1. Thank you Sharon, Oh to escape the bank!! lol being a lover of all types of dolls, my eyes are always wandering ! But I have loved the look of these dolls for a few years,this one is soft body with a wooden head but you can get ones that are all wood, which I would one day like to have!
      I too think My new little German bear Gunther is going to be a great addition to the hug in the Village, he has such a sweet look about him and I love bears as much as I love dolls ! :)
