Which is what set me off on buying another no nose, one, because I missed Arabella and two, because they looked so good in a group!
This is Brigitte's family of No Noses.A wonderful collection including some pale ones and I love the girl in her short wig.
Lots of others showed off their no noses but only a few had a group.
This is Steve's group.Beautifully turned out of course.These make me think I need another girl at least!
Almost at the same time as I felt the need for a No Nose a Brunette girl appeared on Shelly's so I had a good look at her and then decided yes she was very sweet, so sent Shelly an email.
So Anoushka was on layaway and I thought that I would love to have a little group of these no noses and that it would take some time.
However a little like buses along came the chance to get not one but two more when I found Olivia and Oliver, so suddenly I had two here and Anoushka on her way.
So now I have my own little group of these No Noses and all without even trying!
You can see they are in the shaded garden beside the new Sasha garden.
The Water nymph pretends not to notice them invading her garden!
They check out the space.
The sun comes back out and throws the shadow of the trellis.To the left you can see the tiny patch of garden that's the twins, Violet and Sapphires.
I love the shadows playing over their faces.
They decide to move out of the sunlight because it's quite warm out of the wind.
Ollie wonders if there are any more boy's like him in the pipeline ...sorry Ollie at the moment it's just you!
He's not impressed , he was hoping for at least one other boy!
On the way back to the house they stop in the formal box garden for a photo on the metal bench.
Wondering if Mum knows how to take a photo that's not going down or up hill! They wander back towards the house and some tea and toast!.
I am happy to have managed to acquire these three in a short space of time. They make a lovely group and I look forward to seeing their characters appear over the coming year.