Monday, 9 February 2015


Well I am worn out and I have hardly touched the room! I now have three bags of wool the kitchen!! I managed to get some space on the floor and moved and tidied some of the boxes, putting dresses by the same person in one box, so making it easier to find things.
Landed up with a mass of stuff all across my bed which then went back into  a large bag and a small plastic box of things for me to list to sell.

Then the other bags went back onto floor in Sasha room!!!

I did list 20 balls of wool on my sale page and have already sold 17 of them so very happy that one bag of wool almost gone!

I have also listed a couple of nice outfits on sales page, anything that does not sell by end of week I will move onto Ebay. I will have quite a bit more to list on blog as I go through the bags and the boxes!

I'll need a week off once I have finished all this clearing out!!



  1. Unfortunately I think that we've all felt this way at one time or another when trying to tidy out!
    Have a long soak in a hot bath, a bit of TV or a light read, then an early night and you'll be ready to start again in the morning.
    We're all right behind you encouraging you on.

    1. Thanks Kendal. No early night , can never sleep early unless ill! So will retire at usual time , have a small lie in, then start the day anew!!

  2. Ah, the old, I need a holiday to get over my holiday' thing.......One day I'm going to take retirement from being retired, because being retired is proving to be harder work than working.....

    How is that, when tidying, you must go through a long phase when the place looks far worse than before you began? I know there is always light at the end of the tunnel, it's just that my tunnel seems to be the 20 mile long Eurostar tunnel and, instead of riding towards the light on a fast train, I'm riding on snailback.

    1. One always needs a holiday after a holiday! We are always doing more when we are off than we ever do when we are not! You mean I may need to have a holiday from retiring when I retire!! sounds like hard work to me!! :)

      It's amazing that amount of mess you have to make into to bring order to the chaos you have created!! I may try a different strategy tomorrow and do it all in the room, take in a chair!! That way I can leave it all in it's piles at the end of the day and not have to move it all and restart the next day!!...I'm sure I can find space for a chair?? and a small table??? :)

  3. Good for you!!! You made a great start, before long you'll be able to see the carpet in that room again and be richer too :)
    Big hugs Sharon xxx

    1. Thanks Sharon, Yes to see the carpet and make some loot would be good ;)
      hugs Dee xx

  4. I for one am very proud of you Dee, parting with things isn't easy!x

    1. Thanks Louise, so glad you understand :) xx

  5. Well done Dee, you have made progress! Usually after I take a week off to stay home, I am exhausted from cleaning, moving furniture, etc. and going back to work becones a break from hard labor! But, you have started and that is tough to do! Hang in there! Hugs, Ginger xxx

    1. I know how you feel! :) I always have such plans to get things sorted and it never happens , so at least I have made a start this time.:)xxx
