Wednesday, 5 March 2025


 Yes the sun is out, Spring is on It's way and today is doll photo day !

So let's get started

Over at RoRoPo, Rick and Pete are helping out in the garden, that looks like a big piece of wood boys?

It is , the boys agree !" we may need to fetch a saw and cut it up" says Rick

"Mm I'm not sure mum will let us use the saw after last time" answers Pete

"It wasn't my fault !" exclaims Rick "No one said mum's favourite scarf was under that log !  anyway it only got a little tear in it ", he grumbles 

"Really it was mum's fault for leaving it there " whispers Pete

Meanwhile over at Gill's these two young ladies have no intension of going near any old wood and saws ! Not while they are wearing their Vintage Sasha silk dresses. No they are quite happy to let Hildegard's boys deal with that !

Here in the Sasha Village, Hattie is having a go at knitting one of her hats with Hattitude ! She's complaining the needles are too long and wants them cut down ! 

I explain that if I cut them down, they would be too small for me and since I've been knitting most of that hats, maybe we'd best find her some other needles ? And isn't it about time she got dressed? 

Over in Surrey, Michelle's dolls are looking out and wondering what's going to be on the Tv later ?

They are hoping it will be The Traitors, they love seeing if the group can work it out and there is lots of shouting at the screen when it's time to show the names at the round table !

Someone is already sitting waiting patiently !

However their furry friends prefer to watch Bear Grylls Last One Standing ! There's lots of huffing , laughter and comments thrown out during his shows.

While these bears want to constantly watch Paddington Bear films and between each one, Paddington having tea with the late Queen. Although as well as laughter that also brings the odd tear on occasion.

Over in Gregoropolis, Lulu and Lottie are inspecting the gardening tools ready for some Spring garden work, alas a 6 inch snowfall is expected, so they may have to make do with just looking out the window and discussing their plans for now.

Many thanks to everyone who kindly sent in a photo, still time to have yours added, just send it in.


Sunday, 2 March 2025



Oh yes It's  now March ! I won't say it! but I will say that February always seems such a short month and this February was also a quite grey month too.

But the sun appears to have fought it's way through and is shining away like Spring is just round the corner, handy that ;) 

The afternoon sun shining into the house from the garden. Not only that, the weather forecast is for sun for the next week at least ! Mind you it is cold if you are not in the sun plus it's minus degrees overnight.

But oh seeing that lovely sun makes up for all the cold. 

It will also mean Paul can help our neighbour get those enormous hedges trimmed to a decent height and before any birds start nesting in them. Still about sixty foot left to do and my neighbours side will have an enormous amount of the cuttings to get rid of or store until he can.

Magda is our headliner today, she sneaked in and nabbed one of the Hattie Berry's I'm making for the Chat n Snap ! I have to say the colours do go with her outfit.

I have now made 80 hats ! I know obsessed or what ! But I can make them in the evening while watching or half watching but listening to films or the TV.

When I first started knitting the hats and found I didn't have as many multi coloured balls as I wanted , I did nip over to ebay and buy a bag full of small 20g or so skeins of multi coloured wools.

These have worked out really well in that the slightly bigger skeins can make one hat and the smaller ones, if I use a similar plain yarn for the rib will make one maybe with it finished in the similar yarn.

The skeins when made into small balls ready for knitting.

Some I have knitted up. So I have been moving hats around to get a better pairing with the cardigan's as shown above.

another photo of Magda just because . .  .

I've not really been trying to sell things lately, due to one thing and another, which as been quite nice. I did have a couple of small Roche dolls arrive that had been on layaway, so a doll fix.

Little friends, Aimi and Jonny, who are around 7 to 8 inches tall.

I also bid on a gorgeous button nosed boy on ebay but I could not really afford him, so it was a half hearted bid, but he was a stunner and a shame I couldn't make a decent bid. But not meant to be.

So since we are now in March, it's almost doll photo day, please send in any you have to share.

Wishing you all a great happy healthy week and month ahead


Friday, 28 February 2025



Atticus is relieved to finally be changed out of the Santa suit ! Yes I know it's the last day of February but in truth if this set had not arrived in the post from Michelle, he'd probably still be in it !

Atticus is standing near all the bits of branches from our neighbours hedge !

Our neighbour reduced his hedge height a few years back and all was well , however his  gardeners 

complained that they couldn't reach the top!! Don't think they had heard of ladders or attachments or even scaffold boards ! Finally last year his new gardeners gave him a price to reduce it down again and he and us have been waiting ever since for it to happen ! In that time it's now about seven foot above the original cut back and like a row of mini trees on top of the hedge.

Paul's been nagging him on and off, the gardener's been making excuses so finally , the neighbour came round to borrow our chainsaw !

So Paul told him he'd give him a hand as we didn't want him hurting himself by trying to do it on his own.

This is what just two pieces look like that came down on our side ! And they were too heavy for Paul to move without cutting for some branches.

and of course they managed to break a love clay pot that had tulip bulbs just starting to appear ! 

So a gap is appearing, they stopped for a few hours and for Paul to have a look at the chainsaw which had started playing up.

So about ten foot done , although needs tidying up once all down. The tall green in the centre is his hedge the other side, which is nothing to do with us and he'll need to chase up his gardeners about .

So just another seventy foot to go !! And that's after we cut the hedge back to the fence line to put up our fence a few years back ! Maybe his gardeners will turn up?  Mm I doubt it, well not until they can say, sorry there are birds nesting so we'll have to wait !

and this is my flower garden !  Mutter mutter !

"Come on mum it will be worth it in the end " say Atticus " let's go have a cuppa, you know it will make it all seem better "

Friday, 21 February 2025


 So you may remember I decided to make up some goodie bags for this tenth and final Chat n Snap event that will take place in October.

Well having done a deal with my sister Michelle, to make me lots of  lovely cardigans for the dolls, I decided to make some hats to add to the bags. Michelle's been making me twelve at a time and sending them to me and I gave her a target of forty but gave myself a total of fifty. 

Now don't panic ! Bea at the top of the page is wearing a prototype I'm trying using a pattern for a larger doll, needs a tweak or three first ! 

I now have thirty six cardigans in a lovely range of colours. 



Now we've seen all the ones made so far, I've picked another three shades of lilac, two blues and a peach.

Some of the hats I've made.

Now it is supposed to be one cardie and one hat. But of course that would be too easy. Now I have fifty hats , I find I cannot just put any old colour hat in with any old colour cardigan. 

So I've been seeing which hats go better with which cardigans.

starting to see which goes with which.





a little change here and there, can you spot them? 










So there a couple of cardigans that I don't have hats to completement with at the moment and another six cardigans will arrive next month, so may need another couple. However I do have lots of hats already made and plans for more, plus plenty of wool to look through to hopefully find a few matches.