Sunday 7 July 2024


 Well we have gone back to sunshine and showers in the last few days! and those showers have been heavy or lasted most of the day. But when the sun does manage to get through, it's lovely and warm even hot at times.

Here it's been all about the shed! No not the big workshop soon to be studio shed, but the small garden tool shed, that's sat at the side of the patio since shortly after we got here and installed it. Now we are giving Paul's workshop over to me, we needed a slightly bigger shed for the garden tools. So being us we ordered one, no ideas about waiting till we'd finished sorting out the other shed and would have time. No we ordered it and it arrived a couple of weeks later. Paul gave it a coat of stain/protection and then he emptied the garden shed, small, and put together the new one in it's place.

Now the old small narrow shed, so still in a decent condition having been looked after over the years and pretty much sheltered under the wooden slates at the side. And in this day of don't just throw it out! So I suggested using it up by the back gate to keep all the big garden pots in, when not in use. So that meant it's now been standing out on the patio, and will also mean clearing the area were it will go! So that's meant a week at least lost from sorting out the workshop! and still another day to sort out this small shed moving ! But we will get there....

Now you may remember I said I had swapped a doll from my Roche collection for another? Well here she is. Paul took me to South Mimms Services , to meet up with my friends SiL and for him to hand over the doll. Saving her going into the post which is always a big risk with a doll that's got china parts.

I'm so happy to have this girl in my Roche doll collection. Wonder of wonders I've even been hand sewing clothes for the Roche, they are hard to find clothes for, have differing sized feet, a smaller doll may have bigger feet than a larger one! 

Now on the doll/ props moving on front I have sold five non Sasha dolls! A good result they went quite quick. I may put a few more on, then I'm going to stop selling and have a break, while I sort out the moving of everything from the studio and workshop.

I'm also going to have a blogcation from now until the 1st of August , which will hopefully help things get moved along. So have a lovely happy healthy month ahead 


Saturday 6 July 2024


 Well it's stopped raining for a little while and Lulu decided she needed a walk in the fresh air, after being stuck inside all morning.

It seems she decided that two of the bears could come along in the pumpkin carriage!

It seems quick bumpy on the stony ground.

"Lulu ! Can you hear groaning ? "

Oh dear ! I think Rosie bear is not feeling too good? maybe it's time to head back? 

Just then a big fat raindrop hits Lulu on the head, so quick as she can she turns the carriage and heads for the house... lots more groaning from both bears as she rushes over the stones! I hope they get back in time!! 

Friday 5 July 2024


 Yes it's here already and we are starting the second half for the year too!

We start off with the wonderful photo of Chris M's studio doll tucking in her studio baby for a nap in the pram.

Once the studio dolls had finished with it, it was the turn of Sasha and her baby brother. It's much warmer so no need of any covers today. Details of her pram bargain I'll add at the bottom of the photos.

 There seems to be a thread here for Gill's button is looking after her baby in it's pram, trying to rock it to sleep. Must be all this nice weather, the dolls are walking instead of travelling by car!

Meanwhile outside Some babies are enjoying some fresh air with their sister Holly keeping watch on them. Gill's girl will have her hands full with those two sweethearts.

From Gregoroplis we have Sally, Farrah and Wendy enjoying some time at the beach, this season
it's all about the stripes! The girls are on trend !

The boys are also making sure they are going with this stripe flow and Dan-Ryan and Nathan are strutting their stuff around the town showing off their matching outfits. When you've got it you flaunt it!

Here we have Jessica's babies Rosie and Jackson cuddling up on Teddy, while he tells them a story. I wonder what story he is telling them? Could it be the three bears? 

From Simples we have two 68 girls looking very smart! Could they be off to a party? or just going to hang out with their friends? 

In the village, Ashley and Annie are out walking the babies while having a good old gossip about what been happening in their day at school . From all the chatter seems they had a very busy day!

Thank you to everyone who send in photos for this months doll photo day. There is still time to have yours added, just send it in.


Monday 1 July 2024



Well it's the first of July , so it's my birthday!! Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday to me, Happy birthday to everyone else born today, Happy birthday to us!
I decided that Arabella could be the birthday girl today.

She's back with her devoted dog, Fifi, who stayed when she went off on her adventure up north.

So we start the second half of 2024, the weather is dry but every overcast considering it was blazing sunshine just yesterday!
Remember to send in your doll photo's for the fifth, which is Friday! 
I'm off to be spoiled by the family and the dolls.

Wishing everyone with a birthday this one a very happy one.


Sunday 30 June 2024



So it's the last day of June, half the year gone already! And what a year it's turning out to be! We've spent the first half of the year getting things in the house and garden sorted and we are still carrying on, with changes.

The latest is I am going to move up into what was Paul's workshop, that for the last few years has just really been used to store his tools, wood and other things. But naturally since it's been basically a dumping ground, it's taking a while to clear the space but it is happening!

We can now see all the floor! and most of the sides!. He has been very good at also advertising things and selling them on, so some big items have gone straight into the back of someone's car or van and not been left in the carport. Which make more space for the other bits and pieces.

Of course being us, we ordered a new small shed, to replace our garden tool shed, where the lawn mower etc is kept, so that some of these items could be stored in with them. So now we need to remove the old small shed and put in the new one! When really we should be carrying on with the clear out! But it sort of makes sense ! At least to us!

I've been working on my side of the workshop, moving things out and clearing some space. So it's happening if only at a slow pace.

The Sasha festival finished a good time was had by all and much money raised. I had asked Gill to get me a couple of pairs of Rosie's shoes  and she bought me back the colours I had asked for.

A nice dark green and a sunny yellow.

Also Gerry M, had a while back asked if she could use one of my garden photos for a Sasha display she was doing for the festival. She very kindly sent me a copy of her water colour she'd done from it.

Which will make a nice little backdrop for the dolls and she came third in her section of the doll display competition. Well done Gerry!

And Gill gave me this union jack suitcase on wheels. She had bought one to take for her dolls to the festival and then received one as a festival gift. which meant I was the lucky receiver of her now extra case.

So not a bad haul for someone who did not get the chance to attend.

Todays headliners are this months arrivals! Yes four! I know but last month it was six!!! So we have from the left Tiffany, Mitzi, Perry and Daisy. All looking nice and summery.

On the doll front, it's been three out and two in. A couple of other items have also gone, so slowly making a tiny difference. In fact another doll did leave but has part of a swap for a different doll by the same artist. I swapped one of my Roche in part payment for another more expensive and hard to find Roche, a doll which I love and have wanted since I started collecting a few of them. However it did mean I've had to swap another I loved and sell another Roche doll in order to get this other doll. So in her case it will land up being something like three out and one in. So in a way that's another reducetion in dolls.

I also decided that I'm going to sell even more of the non Sasha dolls I have and try and keep my collecting down to just a few types of dolls. Which meant I have listed both my Carpatina boys and a Ruby Red girl with other dolls to follow. 

On that note I'm off to make some lunch, then box up a doll and move some more things around in the workshop.

Have a lovely happy healthy week ahead and remember doll photo day on the fifth.


Friday 28 June 2024


 So yesterday we went to visit at Chez Nash where Toyah was taken in hand, quite literally.

before photo.

She was taken into the care of the head stylist , Miss Gillian, where she was conditioned within an inch of her life , had a boil fringe rinse or two and some crimping with the scissors.
Finally some large rollers were added and she could adjourn to the garden for some natural hair drying in the sunshine.

I have to say she looked considerably sulky while she was getting all this five star treatment!

Several hours later, he fringe is behaving and she's finally happy ! 

She is still waiting for her hair to settle a little more.

So a name change was in order after her transformation! I gave her a couple of choices and she settled on Mitzi , which was the name of one of my much earlier dolls, who went to live with my sister.

Mitzi thanks Chez Nash and top stylist Miss Gillian, for all her hard work and apologises for her sulky behavour during the process.

Wednesday 26 June 2024



She said yes!!

And here she is ! Daisy, my latest and last adoption for a while.

She arrived to complete? my spending spree of the last two months.

When a lovely friend offered her to me how was I supposed to say no! First she's a no navel , second she's a full brown eyed girl and third she's just plain gorgeous!

She came in this lovely Dolly doodles outfit and I just had to add the shoes. Which is a worry since I have a lovely green spotted dress new and waiting.... 

Also I do know that they are not Daisy's but it's 27 degrees at the moment and I don't do above 23! So too hot to go into the sun for daisies.


So is she the last for a good long while? Who knows! Never say never cos it never works!

Tuesday 25 June 2024


 Well the 'hippy' girl I bid on arrived and she was in need of a good wash and something doing with her fringe! 

Her fringe is all over the place!

Photos taken before she had a good wash. But her hair length was all over the place much like her fringe!

When I said to Paul I was going off to give her a wash, he said who Toyah ? referring to Toyah Wilcox a singer from the seventies who had wild hair that stuck up! So that's her name, well at the moment anyway.

She spent some time wearing this to help with her fringe.

Hair slowly drying but looking bad.

so out came the scissors!!

So once dry she looks like this!

Her fringe appears to be coming from all over the top of her head!

So at the moment she looks like this but I'm going to condition the sides and back again and try and get rid of the frizz and I'm thinking I may cut it again to just under her chin!

And she'll be getting the boiling water fringe treatment on Thursday when I see Gill. 

To be continued ...

Sunday 23 June 2024



So Sunday's arrived and the Sasha Festival is nearly over. There have been some great photos on the two FB Sasha groups and some marvellous Festival and table gifts. Wish I could have attended but alas it was not to be. However I have enjoyed it from afar.

We've been very busy this week with family events and the usual house/garden jobs. However we have added to that by me deciding that I will move my studio up into what was Paul's workshop! 

This as meant Paul's had to start clearing it out and I have to say ' how many tools does a man need! ' it would appear masses by the amount of things needing moving. But he is on it! and has already sold off two of his machines, which is great as it means they don't have to go with the 'shed' load of stuff being moved into the carport!

Paul painted the door in purple pansy for me and added an antique letter plate, not useable in truth, but lovely in looks :)

So he's been sorting his side and I've been sort of sorting mine! Well I have put a couple of things up on ebay and opened the door a few times, looked stepped in gazed around and stepped out again! lol

Lola is todays headliner, looking sweet in her green floral dress by Ginny.

On the doll front.... mmm well it's been some what busy! Three dolls left BUT three arrived and all were Sashas / Gregors.
I fell for Perry who I have posted about and didn't expect to win, so he arrived and was given a spa and new clothes. 


However I did look at a Sasha in a Hippy style outfit which I really liked, she also looked like a nice doll but grubby and in need of a spa.  She was being auctioned, so I placed a bid and went off.
Of course what then happens is the 68/69 brunette none falling hair shows up two days later calling my name! I did dither for a while, at least ten minutes!! Then I was pressing the buy it now button and she was mine!

So Tiffany arrived. But in order for her to be adopted I did have to part with three other dolls to cover her fee. 

Which meant, Pippa, Chloe and Peter all went off to new homes! Now I can hear you asking but what about that 'hippy' you bid on?  Exactly what about her! Any other time someone would have come along and outbid me and I'd have been sad but resigned but no, no one arrived and made that bid, so I won her and she made the journey all the way from bonnie Scotland via steam train and finally arrived yesterday.

I was over with the grandchildren, so she was waiting for me when I returned later that night. Today she's had a good clean and a hair wash. So she's not quite ready for her debue but is looking so much better. 

While all that's been going on I was also paying for a short layaway on another Sasha, who will arrive next week....

I also sold 20 balls of yarn and then after speaking to my eldest daughter about it, she had the rest along with the large plastic box it was sitting around in, so a good result , yarn gone and one less empty box! A few items of dolls clothes also sold and the last of the ships I bought for the treasure island chat n snap display is in the process of selling, so another larger item will be gone. I also took the Sylvanian windmill and canal barge with me, when I visited the grandchildren, so that freed up even more space.

On another front, a lovely friend, who I actually met at the 2012 Sasha Festival in Stratford upon Avon,  who is also into the Roche dolls that I also collected. Contacted me about one of her dolls that is on my dream Roche doll list, to ask if I was interested in buying her ?  Was I? Mmmm    when I could stop smiling ! I worked out what I would have to do to obtain her. So I'm swapping one of my other Roche doll with her towards the cost and moving on a couple of others hopefully to complete the deal. 

So it's not just Sasha's on the move around here! 

On that note I'm off to open the door to the old studio side of the workshop and hopefully this time, sort some things out!

So I will wish you a happy sunny fun filled healthy week ahead.


Friday 21 June 2024



Oh yes and there is another new arrival here in the village .

What should appear on Ebay but a 68/69 brunette Sasha with non falling hair! Was I actively looking for one , no , did I want one .. yes! Even worse she was a good price and a BIN, there was no time to lose!!! At least that's what I told myself!

So this is Tiffany , a new member of the family.

I do love the brunette's.

I'm calling her my consolation gift for having to miss the Sasha festival because it' in the wrong weekend for me. That's my excuse!

Plus  I did have this lovely new pink dress by Ginny , just waiting to be used. It was in the packet with the shirt Perry's wearing , oh and there's another two dresses in that pack........ all together now...

The Runaway train came traveling down the track.......