Saturday 31 January 2015


This lad's rushed in so fast, I don't know if he's a full Trendon or an associate Trendon but I will up date you on here tomorrow.

And we may get a better clearer photo of the lad who I have been told is hiding in a box until he can make his appearance in the family home.........I remember them days...... ;)



He's finally managed to get to his new mum and escape the box, have a wash and change of clothes
and here he is


And a lovely lad to join the TEAM !

Any photo's for TEAM TRENDON that arrive to me by midnight tonight will be founding members of the TEAM TRENDON but you can still join the TEAM over the coming months but your Gregor will be just a TEAM member not a Founding member.

But still worth joining the TEAM especially if you are coming along to the Chat N Snap where the first full TEAM TRENDON Meeting will be held a some group photo's taken.



" I am just letting all the TEAM TRENDON members know that another full member as been delayed in the post! So His photo will appear in a post next month. He will be known as TRENDON Sid- Law. Thank you for your attention , Good Evening. "



Agnes went outside to stand in the snow that was falling this morning, it was very cold but she was nice and snug in her hooded jacket.

Much to her disappointment the snow did not settle and just turned to a very cold rain!

Friday 30 January 2015


Another few lads have arrived to take their places in TEAM TRENDON.

First up

From Spain we have Emilio Trendon an associate member, his mum very kindly sent me a couple of photo's to chose from and I have picked this one, as I think it shows his handsome face.

Emilio loves to garden so would fit right in here, where the DH would have him out digging and planting as soon as it starts to warm up in a month or so.!

also becoming an associate member today is

Is Tyler Trendon whose mum Saphira sent him along to join Team Trendon to help boost the reds!

A closer look at this red haired handsome lad.I love the colour of his sweater.

Also joining is a Full TRENDON TEAM member

Another red haired lad, this is TRENDON TURNER and he belongs to Jenni's Mum.

He'd been hanging about in a vest , so he was quickly found some clothes more suitable to joining TEAM TRENDON and appears before you in a lovely warm green sweater and hat.

So they are arriving thick and fast and I know they are still a couple more stragglers!! Will they make it or will I have to give a small extension.........


Thursday 29 January 2015


I thought you may like to see how Ashlyn's new hair is coming along.

This is where she waits each day hoping I will add some more hair.

She waits beside the sofa hoping that I'll be getting off the computer and coming over to sit and fill in a few more holes! You can see my tidy! workspace...  ;)

Here is a clearer photo. I am liking the colour of this hair with her blue eyes.

I have barely covered the front because there are so many holes there!!.easily three or four times as many as on the rest of her head, where the holes appear to be more evenly spaced!

Until I saw this photo which is brighter than the others I was worried that I may have picked the wrong colour that people voted for! But seeing it under the brighter light it now looks like correct one Thank goodness!

Now a little tale about the jug she's sitting in.

You may remember a while back I put on my collection of Emma Bridgewater pottery. Well when I saw taking it out and putting the photo's together I was convinced I had another jug. I hunted all through the cupboards I even asked Paul if he'd broken it and not told me! He asked me if I hod thought of buying it and then not done so!

Well I decide maybe I had imagined it! Until a few days later when I was talking to Kendal on the photo about it and the penny as they say DROPPED !I remembered exactly where it was....sitting on a shelf in the living room with the baby's head I was re rooting sitting on it!!! This is the jug above! I knew I had bought it!! It's nice to know I was right but worrying to have taken so long to remember where it was!!

Hopefully once I have got passed these masses at the front it will start moving quickly and we'll soon see
Ashlyn back with her body.


Ronny asked what the baby I am re rooting looked like so here she is.

I am doing her with Red hair .

She does have a lot of holes to root, but I will go on to her after I finish Ashlyn.


Wednesday 28 January 2015


Another two member's of TEAM TRENDON have arrived to join the other lads.

First up is TRENDON TAYLOR , ready to join in the manoeuvre's to reach the Chat n Snap Team event in October.

Now here is a lad , who is so HAPPY to be joining TEAM TRENDON, It's TRENDON EASTHOPE who poor lad as been waiting for YEAR'S and I do mean YEAR'S to be loved.
So when you meet this lad at the Chat n Snap, you must give him lots of love and attention , for he truly deserves it.

Still a few straggles to come , so we are now at 15 and counting...



Although we are using the name TRENDON , your Gregor can be an earlier Frido, TRENDON is the team name and covers all boys made in England who are Gregors.


Also I am sure you all know by now that Sara Doggart passed away on Monday. Having reached the grand age of 102, Sara had a good life and was influential in bringing the Sasha dolls we have today to the market , working along side the artist Sasha Morgenthaler.
I was fortunate to meet Sara's daughter and son in law at the UK Sasha Festival and enjoyed chatting over lunch with them about Sara and their own work. So I would like to take this opportunity to offer my condolences to them and their family.


Tuesday 27 January 2015

TEAM T * R * E * N * D * O * N SO FAR......

Anne ,my very able techo assistant, kindly gathered together all the members of Team TRENDON, to date and sent me this patchwork, so we can see them all together.

I am looking forward to added a few more soon to the team.

Monday 26 January 2015

YET MORE T * R * E * N * D * O * N LADS

First up we have Trendon Jordan

 A surfer lad all the way from Cornwall! He belongs to Joyce Jordan and so Is Trendon Jordan another Full founding member of the TEAM TRENDON.

Now we have Trendon Elliot joining as a full founding member of TEAM TRENDON, this handsome lad is now living with Doll Mum and Dmd.

 Also joining today is James Trendon from Kendal an associate member , looking very serious on top of his tank!

So THREE more lads join  TEAM  TRENDON  numbers are slowly rising and there are still a couple more to arrive!


Sunday 25 January 2015


Well voting is finished and It was quite close between three of the photo's but this month's winner  of the Emma Bridgewater Christmas plate is

Number ONE   Snowy Play

Some of you may have already guessed that the photographer is Ellen Church.

Congratulations Ellen on winning this month's competition. The plate will be on it's way to you by the end of the week.

Thank you to everyone who took part and to all those who voted. February's Prize will be shown on the 1st of Feb and you will have until the 15th to submit a photo for including in that months entry.

A word from our winner.

“I am honored that my photo of the outdoorsy kids was enjoyed by so many. All the entries were delightful. It was especially fun to see the pleasure that other collectors have in exhibiting and playing with their dolls. We all share this love and passion for our Sasha's. Thank you, Ellen”



This is your last chance to vote for your winning photo in this month's competition.

Last chance to vote for the winner, voting closes a 10 pm GMT. please vote on the post where the photo's are on display.
 Or send your vote to me privately
Many Thanks


Saturday 24 January 2015


You may remember my girl Elfine? She is a Kay Wiggs Elf.
She's been hiding around the house for once keeping out of mischief but It won't last! It never does.

Well she received a packet today and she was so happy she told me she had to come on the blog so everyone could see her!

Sometime's it's best to go with the flow rather than deal with the fallout!! So here's Elfine.

" You look lovely in your new clothes Elfine "

" Are you going to speak to us? "

"You can smile Miss ! "
"Oh you can speak then !"
Then her highness gets up and commands " Come!"

"You may take some photo's "
I was tempted to curtsey but managed to resist!

"So who sent you these lovely clothes? "
"Mmm Maybe I had best send a message to your mother the Queen and tell her it's time you went home!"

"Don't you dare!"
" Oh I would dare!"

"So who sent you these beautiful clothes Elfine ? "
" Smmm mm mumble mumble mutter "
"Pardon? "
"Well I could pardon you but I would rather see you in the dungeons!"

Pulling up the hood she turns her back !
" Okay Now where's that special message leaf? I'll send it to the Queen and see what she says! I'm sure she's missing her youngest daughter "

Saying what I am sure is an elvish rude word, her highness turns back and leans against the wall.
" The Lady Sharon "
" The Lady Sharon ? "

She sighs in a very superior elvish princess way and continues " The Lady Sharon sent them, she is very talented or I would not have agreed to wear them "
" And have you thanked her ? "
"I am an Elf  Princess I don't thank anyone! I have you to do that ! " then turning she walks off but she was walking with a little skip in her step and stroking the lovely purple gilet.



Well I would like to Thank Sharon on behalf of her royal stroppiness and myself. I received this gorgeous outfit for my very neglected Kay Wiggs elf girl. Made by the very Talented Sharon who can make clothes for Dolls of all shapes and sizes it was a wonderful surprise and I'll make Elfine mind her manners and send a polite thank you note in the very near future but for the moment I'll enjoy the peace and quiet of having a very happy Elf  Princess in the house!


Friday 23 January 2015


Over in the Sasha Village all's quiet..

 The children are all out and it looks like the bears are all resting.

"Why you all lay bout?" demands Gunther " You did only march to end of the road for the bees!"

Mossy sits up quickly " IT is a very LONG ROAD!" he says irritated
Gunther's not impressed " You no need to rest because you only went half way!"
"That's because it was getting dark! " says Mossy " and Mrs Mum insists we are in before dark!"

"Woo Hoo Gunthie !! " calls Aimee
"and I will have you know " continues Mossy ignoring Aimee cooing at Gunther!" We are protesting! "
"About what? " asks a confused Gunther
" About not having any bear chairs! " says Mossy " We are showing solidarity with our bear friend's in the Commoneo's who also have no bear chairs! "
" They have one chair " Aimee corrects Mossy

"One chair between any many bears is NOT enough!" mutters Mossy laying back down, just as Gertie sits
"What's all this noise I was just having a nice sleep! " she yawns
"Gunthie come and lay next to me , we can protest together " calls Aimee

Gunther finally looks over towards the sofa , having heard Gertie speak.

Gunther climbs onto the sofa and whisper's in Diggory's ear.
" Why Certainly old boy certainly " replies Diggory.

Diggory moves over to the middle of the sofa while Gunther addresses Gertie.

" My Lady you must allow your Gunther to lay on the arm of this sofa "
Gertie looks puzzled at Gunther " Why? "
" Because mine liebling you may fall " he smiles " come Diggory he move so you can snuggle here where I may prote..I may keep watch "

Hugo looks at Alfie " If I fall can I land on you? "
"Woof" says Alfie

Hugo rolls onto his back while Alfie watches carefully in case he over rolls and falls! He's given his Woof he must be on guard!

The bears on the sofa have moved about all but Aimee.
"Well I think Silvester is such a HUNK!" she says snifferly but Gunther's too busy watching Gertie fall asleep , her large snores shaking the sofa , Gunther sighs happily his Gertie has such a good loud snore!

While Diggory wonders whose started drilling outside just when he's trying to nod off!

Hugo's fed up with laying about " I'm hungry " he moans " My tummy is empty!" "Woof " Alfie agrees , he won't mind a bone to gnaw on!

Lennon whose been protesting on the armchair sits up " Me too  lad!" he says " Can you smell them honey cakes Mrs Mum's been baking all afternoon ready for when the children return !"
Suddenly all the bears apart from Diggory ,who lost his sense of smell long ago, start sniffing and within moments the room empties of most of the bears nearly knocking down a late comer in their rush to reach the kitchen first!

" Sorry I'm late " says Snowy " I had to wait until the Quinn fell asleep before I could get away!"
Diggory looks confused " late for what? "

"The protest!" says Snowy moving onto the arm of the sofa
"What protest? "
Knowing all about Diggory's poor memory Snowy says " Oh don't worry , lets just lie down for a little while and hope Mrs Mum gets us some chairs!"

Diggory and Snowy lay down, luckily Gertie's snoring as quieten down. " I don't know why we need chairs when we have these lovely comfy sofa's " wonders Diggory drifting off to sleep.
