On the Sasha study group, the theme this week is , if you could go back would you change / collect your dolls differently.
Which naturally made me think, what would I do differently , if anything ?.
Well I love the 68 dolls, so If I had my time again there are a couple of my early 68 girls I would now keep.
Bella, a girl who should have stayed for one.
I would also keep quite a few of the Gotz dolls, that have come along and then moved on to pay for a different doll.
Some of the early Button nosed dolls I owned and the No navel's plus a few of the early slated eyed Gotz buys.
But if my collection got too big, I'd feel the need to downsize it , only to months later , start buying again. Or if I wanted a doll, I would and still do sell other dolls to pay for them.
Funnily enough I have never thought about selling these boys towards other dolls.
And Arabella I sold a few years back and she had a couple of owners but I had seen her about and was able to buy her back even though her mum at that time did love her.
I think I have owned four NP dolls over the years but they come in and almost straight away go out again! So now I know they are not for me, so no more will arrive unless I come across one dirt cheap, then she/he may stay . . . . . well for a while ;)
But I don't miss the dolls and if I'd not sold them I would have missed out on owning others. So really it's been an interesting journey , where you learn as you go along.
At the moment I'm not looking to buy more Sasha's but if one came along and started singing to me , well what's a Sashaphile to do !
Gosh! I can't even begin to count the many boys and girls that have passed through my hands over the many years I have loved SASHA but life is too short for regrets and I am happy to know that my dolls have pleased other owners. And my tastes have changed I now like the Gotz no nose so if you ever want to part with any of those please give me first dibs :)
ReplyDeleteand the body parts . . . . ;) I don't regret selling any either as it meant others arrived but It would have been nice to have kept a few that I didn't along the way.
DeleteI cannot believe you now like the no nose ! amazing lol
You know how I like to surprise you Sis!
DeleteI can see why you never considered selling your three lads. They are absolutely gorgeous, and just perfectly matched. Plus, at our age, it's always good to have some boy scouts around to help carry shopping bags into the house, etc.
ReplyDeleteI have to agree and the 68 boy's are always the most helpful :)