Well what a week it's been out there in the big wide world! What an earth is going on with the weather, all the floods, now massive snowfalls in one part of US followed not long after by raging fires sweeping in and destroying chunks for a major US city.
Seeing all the streets of destroyed homes makes you wonder , where do you start? What will it look like if it's rebuilt? Will it become new houses all modern and similar or will people try to recreate the home they lost? Will your neighbours still be your neighbours or will they have moved away for fear of it happening again? Once it's been rebuilt will it still be home? or the area around so changed you decide to move?
And that fact you have nothing but a few items you had time to save? That old box you had sitting on the side, the wonky bowl your child made at school, the quilt you made from vintage fabric you gathered over years, that wonderful dresser you found in a secondhand shop, those items you loving gathered over time to give your home it's unique to you look. Never mind the photos etc. Yes they are only 'things' and peoples lives are more important but it must still hurt that when all is replaced your 'treasures' will still be missing and you home can never look the same or similar.
Of course this is worse for those poor people in the world having their homes blown apart by war mongers, intent on achieving their mains, never mind the innocents destroyed along the way. They have nowhere to hide or go while this continues on and on and are losing not just their homes but their lives or those of their families.
It's a new year, lets home things will improve everywhere . . . .
A photo of my gorgeous Claudia from the summer ! and don't we need a mention of summer with this cold spell that we here in the UK are having at the moment.
The dogs small water trough up by the folly , frozen in this strange way !
So since it's been either 0 c or minus the last few days , Granny's been refusing to leave the house and is tucked up in front of the telly watching reruns of homes under the hammer and escape to the country while sipping tea and eating chocolates. Much to the annoyance of the children who want to watch a film and wouldn't mind having a few of those chocolates themselves ! I believe the children are off making plans for a take over ! Good luck with that!!
So it's been a bit of a week of not doing much really. Having to put a coat on just to pop over to the studio and not staying more than a couple of minutes grabbing something and dashing back indoors.
I also finally caved and bought a Wifi printer ! This will be a relief to my daughters who I am forever sending a pattern or other item I need printed ! Now I can print it up myself and not have to wait about for days.
The main reason I didn't get one before was having to find somewhere to place it ! So I thought on the bottom shelf of my little vintage writing bureau but thought that would be too low to use there. So we tried it on a stool to the side of the bureau but that meant the armchair would stick out into the room and the plug wouldn't reach. So we then tried it on the sideboard in the living room by the window but although yes it fit and was by a plug point, it just looked out of place. So it eventually landed up on the bottom shelf of the bureau. . . .mmm . . . .
Another thing by using the shelf on the bureau meant it had to be moved away from the wall for the plug to go into the socket behind it, which meant an early spring clean of the whole thing.
Just a few of the smaller items I'd forgotten about that were in the bureau ! Amongst other bigger items
The printer's already been used to print a pattern and a label, so a good buy, even if it's taken years to actually do it!
On the doll front
I asked Michelle before Christmas if she'd make me a Santa sweater, just sent her a photo of one I'd seen which we then lost, and this is what she made me. I then of coursed asked for a hat and then a beard! lol . She came good on all of it. Unfortunately it didn't get much of a look in the story this year, but it will at least be around for next year.
I have sold two Sasha baby dolls, who have been just sitting about being ignored. But not much else as it's just after Christmas and January is always a very slow month because people are recovering from their Christmas spending.
However being me, I have a layaway to pay for by the end of the month, so must find some things that hopefully will sell in that time.
On that note I will wish you all a happy healthy week ahead and in the words of Hill Street Blues ( a golden oldie ) Be careful out there
I agree with you Dee -devastating doesn't really cover loosing your home and there are surely going to be some homeowners that aren't covered by insurance - no doubt greedy land developers will snap these plots up for peanuts and then make a killing when they re-sell.
ReplyDeleteAlas you are probably right, they'll be building even bigger mansions