Monday 13 November 2023



It's been another fairly busy week. Paul's cold is much better but it now appears that Lindsey, our daughter's caught it! So the fun of the winters started already.

This time of years seems to be all about pottering around inside and out, moving things or deciding to get rid of things etc. Since the chat n snap I'm still fighting the get it put away battle. Getting there slowly but that could be because I've been sorting out things to sell etc and rearranging things to be able to store them better.

There's been talk of replacing the old workshop with a new cabin style building next year! It would be bigger than my studio by about three or four feet and also a little wider...which makes me wonder should I move down into that one and give mine up for whatever it needs to be used for? But mine is at present close to the house, so I am able to nip out quick, if I need to go find something and dash back again. If I moved I'd have to go two thirds of the way down the garden and through a gate. So most likely I will stay where I am and just have to work on reducing my hoard!

Today's headliner is Elizabeth, who was desperately in need of a restring of the head to feet variety, so finally after she'd been left undressed for a few days and waiting for it to happen, we finally sorted her out. So she is now wearing this nice blue and pink outfit. Her dress is one of my favourites, so she's removed her jacket to show you.

By the talented Ginny of course.

Well on the doll front things have been going quite well. a couple more non Sasha dolls have found new homes and a couple of wigs, pairs of shoes and some clothing, have all also moved on , along with a lovely red dragon, who'd spent her life waiting to go to Clara but then Clara had too many soft toys! So I sold her on. 

Now one of the shelves in my doll cabinet is half empty! Result I hear you all say, well yes apart from the fact there seems always to be something ready to take up any space I manage to create or find! But the fact that the shelf was full front to back and is now only half full is an improvement. So It's onwards until enough as gone to really make a difference. But with Christmas coming, it will all stop, until the new year, at the end of this month and then I can concentrate of Bruno's Christmas story.

Today we have storm Debi blasting around the country! Plenty of overnight rain fell and now we have lovely sunshine along with gusts of strong wind. Personally I do like a windy day as long as it's not causing anyone any damage.

Well I'm off to continue making decisions and finding homes for things, so I'll wish you all a happy healthy week ahead.



  1. Well having another larger place to play with your dolls would be fun Dee, and you could always use the old studio simply for storage of things you may need to bring into the house. 😂
    While you have managed to clear half a shelf, I've only managed to sell one doll.
    Big hugs,

    1. Mm I don't think Paul would me taking over yet another building for my dolls lol, It starts with just one doll and hopefully continues ... hugs xx
