Sunday 28 April 2024



Well it will be nice when the weather, we should be having, arrives! It's been freezing this week! and now we have a weekend of raining on and off, with today a day of constant drizzle!

Last year the winter was too dry and this one's been too wet! Although the plants are loving it , I'm not lol

Paul's been pottering doing all the little odd bits and pieces to get the day room finished. We still need to paint the blue walls white but that means moving the dresser etc, so that probably this coming week. Then finished!

I have to say the room is looking lovely and bright with the green paneling which matches really well with the wallpaper.

I needed a table cloth and although I have some seaweed fabric, same as the wallpaper, it needs cutting to size and sewing. So I pulled four of what I knew to be smaller table cloths, in greens, out of my stash only to find that every single one did not quite fit the new length! 

They are square cloths, so drop over the sides but don't reach each end by about an inch! So close but so far!! So for once I did not put the three I did not use back in the cupboard for another half a dozen years, I've put them to one side to go off to a local charity shop. I have kept the one shown because it is a good colour match to the room and I will see if I can add/ change it in some way to fit better or just use as is for general use.

I will need to move my doll cabinet to be able to use the rest of the dayroom for how it's meant to be, which sets me up with the problem of where to put it, what goes back in it and how can I fit them elsewhere! So along with the last bit of painting, it will be musical furniture next week, while we see what should go where in order to make best use of the room. Who knew how much gets added on when you do something as just remodeling the kitchen!

Even though the weathers been cold and now wet, we have started wandering out into the garden! Plants being bought to fill the hanging baskets, pots moved to not block the new doors, which now need planting up etc. So once the walls and the furniture are done, it will be outside for the next few months getting that space tidied and looking nice. There are three covered benches that need sprucing up!

Angel, Saffron and Liberty are our headliners today. All wearing beautiful Vintage Sasha dungaree sets by Sarah. Obviously this photo was taken the week before this one when some sun did manage to break through! They all need thick sweaters and cardigans now along with scarves and gloves! And today an umbrella!

On the doll front, no dolls left and none arrived. However the things I'd bought from Ginny arrived and Michelle and I have given them to Gill to take to the festival for me, having shared photos on the festival site to make sure both sets went and the yellow set didn't some how get left behind..

I did spring for a pair of Rosie Bloom shoes when the email came up but how could I resist this pair..

Such a gorgeous colour, I'd love shoes in this colour for myself! Now I did buy a lovely purple dress set with white spots, off Ginny, so these can be worn with the new dress by the new Sasha... I mean could be worn if I had a new Sasha... 

Okay I confess, after I'd just bought my two Caleb's, I then decided that a beautiful Sasha who'd been sitting around waiting for someone to buy her, should really be coming home to me! So I settled on a short layaway and she'll be heading home next week!

I have to say that eBay and the bazaar are not helping, with the amount of beautiful Sasha's that have been turning up, some at very low starting prices on eBay.

So my week coming will involve moving my dolls cabinet and re arranging the dolls and bears that live it in. In order to do any of that I need to sort out my doll studio! For which I need good dry weather since I will need to take things outside and leave them on the grass or patio table while finding space and putting things away.

I wish you all a happy healthy week ahead




  1. Hi Dee!
    The table cloth may be a little short but the colour looks great in that room. Maybe adding a fabric or lace border on all sides might solve your dilemma.

    I must say I do like the overalls on Angel, Saffron and Liberty, they look very smart. BTW as I get to know you, I know the pretty new purple shoes were purchased only to give you a reason/excuse to purchase another Sasha. LOL!

    We've been, well perhaps I should say hubby has been doing some bulb planting (I just supervise these days and he does the dirty work). 170 went in the first time round that was followed by almost as many again when they arrived through the post. I'm really looking forward to spring to see just how many flower. The Erlicheer are already peeking through.
    Big hugs,

    1. Yes, that tablecloth is a good match to the room.
      Lol lets be honest, I'm so bad I don't even bother with having a reason to by another Sasha! Paul says they have a chemical in them that's like a drug that makes you want more!!
      Wow, well done that man! That's a lot of bulbs to plant! I have to confess it's Paul who plants ours, hugs x
