Tuesday 3 September 2024



A new place to eat and drink has opened up in the village! And the children are loving it!

Magda decided to treat Sassy to a drink since Arabella was being a pain ! 

Suzannah Roche is helping out , having got a Saturday job at the new place.

One of the perks of the job is a free cup of hot chocolate !

"Oh how lovely to have a hot chocolate shop in the village ! " exclaims Sassy " I love chocolate "

" It is, it only opened yesterday and I noticed it on my way to collect you from the station " Magda answers " Which is lucky for us as the others don't know it's here or the place would be buzzing! "


" I thought it was a bit quiet in here " Sassy says looking around " I'd be in here all the time !"

" It will be great to pop in on the way back from school in the winter " agrees Magda " I hope mum can set up an account so we can just come in when we want"

"Hi ! Wow I didn't know you were here!" exclaims Perry " Can I have a BIG hot chocolate with all the trimmings please "

Suddenly the noise level goes up 

"Wow Chocolate!"  

" I need some chocolate !"

" Oh I didn't bring my purse !" " Don't worry I've got mine !" Thanks"

" I wonder if they do Lemonade ? "  " Why!" "It's refreshing "

" I knew it was too good to be true !" Magda says raising her voice hoping Sassy can hear her 

At least Suzannah is happy , it the shops busy, she gets to keep her job ! 

"Come on drink up " says Magda loudly " we cannot hear ourselves think with this racket!"

" It will go quiet once they have their drinks " Sassy shouts back " Hopefully "   Magda's not so sure knowing her siblings. But she slips her drink slowly.


  1. Ooooh, hooow wooonderful!!! All here at RoRoPo are a tiny bit of jealous because hot chocolate whenever you want one... a dream!
    Suzannah does a quite good job there, so all kids are happy.

    1. It's going to cost me a small fortune! I may need to buiy the place to save me some money!!

  2. Looks like the crowd have poor Suzannah running off her feet! Great pics Dee. 😊
    Big hugs,

    1. It will be a very buzy stall with winter coming. hugs xx
