Sunday 1 September 2024


 Goodness it's hot out there! Today's the first of a new month, September, and she's come in with a burst of hot sunny weather, wonderful. I love September, yes it's the start of the year moving towards autumn and cooler weather but you still have sunny days just cooler nights, which is a bonus! Much easier to sleep if the night is cool.

Well after all our busy ness, we have fallen back into the thinking not actually doing lull. We are sort of doing things but it's more a bit here and there rather than a get it all done and finished. I did finally start on the carver wooden old dinning chair I bought to refurbish. The previous owner had used loads of tacks to attach the fabric, in the totally wrong place , over and round to the underneath and not across the top as it's meant to go.

But now all the tacks are out, the section where the old original tacks had been was full of holes along with a section that had split, so that's all been glued back and filled. Then it was a case of planning how we would replace the seat trying to do it the way it's meant to happen and all the parts ordered to do so. Hopefully I may be able to share the finished item next week. Once that one's finished we will move straight on to the four arts and craft dinning chairs or it will be another six months before that happens! 

Being us we have also wandered off piste and ordered the insulation board and mdf for the internal outside walls in our bedroom. Now I know you are thinking what? they still have the chairs to do etc etc but there is a good reason. We need to move the radiator in the bedroom from under the window at the back of the house to under the window at the front of the house but we first need to insulate and board the wall. The boarding is because we are intending to panel each of the window walls along with half panel one side maybe! Plans plans plans which are always open to chopping and changing especially once we actually start on the room. I'm still trying to decide if we have to remove the ceiling in that room, but the thought of all the mess that would cause is stopping me committing to doing so.

But getting the boarding up and the radiator moved will at least be a start and won't take Paul more than a couple of days, she says...

We have also done some work in the garden removing some branches and cutting back some shrubs to let in light and clear around other ones.

Saskia is todays head liner, the above photo is not mine but her previous owners, she is settling in well even if at present Arabella is giving her a wide berth. But she's noticed that Arabella appears to be around where ever she is but so far she's not defrosted yet! But Sassy is sure she cannot hold out much longer!

On the doll / prop front, things have been happening! However I'm not sure it's quite what I intended ! Because the August bank holiday weekend turned out to coincide with one of my buying spells! Yes I know I know, less is more and all that! However I did spring for a few props with stories in mind and some fabric, like I don't have more than enough, plus wool and a couple of items from Ginny's site but you always need new clothes for the girls and boys! Oh and a couple more from Michelle!

If that wasn't more than enough I also bought a new cabinet for the dolls! Yes another one! I had been searching for an old one that would go on the wall to store mainly my Roche dolls in but I could just not find what I was looking for. I did consider if I could move one of the two in my studio back into the house but I needed one that if it could not go on the wall, could fit against a piece of narrow wall at the side of one of the back doors, in order that it would not get hit by the hot sun that fills that side of the room, Being beside the door and not to the side of it, the sun won't damage the dolls or their clothing. Unfortunately the two I already have are too wide for the space. So finally I sourced one and it should arrive in a few weeks.

On the other side of the doll front, I did sell two dolls, one a non Sasha and one a Sasha. Unfortunately I will probably land up selling a group of the new Sasha arrivals ( not Saskia ) as I have a doll I'm intending to buy at Christmas time and need to gather the money in. I should really have sat on my hands and not been spending on more Sashas but alas I did not,  so now they are almost turning round and heading out again! 

So that's what's going on here at present, still not booked a few days away but hope to get that sorted next week .. maybe

Have a lovely happy healthy week ahead, remember it's doll photo day on the fifth which we be here in a second!

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