Sunday 25 August 2024


 Finally Magda and Saskia reach the house, where they find Arabella on the patio with her dog Fifi.

" Hi Arabella, so glad you are here , you can meet our new sister who just arrived "

Arabella looks over at the new arrivals

"This is Saskia, she's just arrived to live with us "

" Hi " says Saskia " It's lovely to meet you Arabella , I'm sure we will be firm friends. Please everyone call me Sassy "

" Call you Sassy ! " says Arabella in her most posh tone " I'll call you a taxi! " and with that ...

She turns smartly and walks off with a her head held high!

Magda looks on with amazement at her usually friendly sister's back 

Turning to Saskia, Magda looks confused " I'm so sorry Saskia, I mean Sassy. She is usually so friendly ! I wonder what bee's in her bonnet? "

" It's fine " Sassy says quickly " don't worry about it, I seem to have that effect on some people, for some strange reason "

" It's usually when they see my face " she muses " maybe it's my button nose? or maybe the eyes, they can seem odd to some being ochre "

"It can't be that " Magda replies watching Arabella slam into the house " Arabella is a button nosed ochre ey...  Oh! " she falls silent wondering

Sassy smiles " I'm sure will be firm friends once she gets to know me " 

Magda is not so sure! She thinks someone's button's been knock out of place.....


  1. Poor Sassy! Maybe Arabella fears not to be that unique now with another ochre-eyed button nose girl around? Or maybe Sassy was a bit too fast with her "let us be firm friends"... We will see!

    1. I think you are right and Arabella whose always been the only ochre eyed button girl is feeling a little put out. Hopefully she will soon realise having such a sister will be lovely ... hopefully...

  2. Oh dear, it would seem that jealously has reared its ugly head. Admittedly there's a lot to be jealous of. Sassy is gorgeous! What an amazing head of hair! Except that Arabella is no slouch in the looks department either. I'm sure that the girls will all warm to each other in time.

    1. I'm hoping it's just a tiff and Arabella will get used to having another button with similar eyes. Hopefully...

  3. So be it. Dolls are just like kids in real life aren't they? Very cute photos though, I enjoyed this post Dee.
    Big hugs,

    1. They are, have to expect a little green eye or in this case yellow eye every now and then. Glad you enjoyed it :) hugs x
