Thursday 1 February 2024



February all ready! Normally January appears to be a long month, yes I know it's still only 31 days but I think once Christmas and the New Year have been and gone and everyone's spent, eaten and drunk more than enough, January seems long and cold. But this year it's seemed to have rushed by! This could be because we've been busy sorting things out re the house, so had plenty to do.

Starting the month is Angela, my new girl who arrived this week at the end of January. Amazing how despite not intending to buy any dolls a couple have already arrived.

However Angela had a little bit of Fate attached to her!  A few weeks back, my friend Gill had shared a photo of her Angela twins, that she'd had years back and seeing them reminded me just how much I'd liked my Angela back then but sold. The red hair and the blue eyes along with the lacy white dress. So I thought how I'd love to get another and did have a quick scout round ebay etc but nothing.

Then low and behold up one popped on the Sasha Bazaar! I quickly sent an email and luckily got in just in time. So an Angela returns to the Village clan.

She is in minty condition and still has the tags attached to the back of her dress and her tube. So although unplanned , I'm very happy she's here.

So Photo day is on the fifth as usual. Please send your doll photos in.

Have a lovely healthy month


  1. I love the Angelas. They have wonderfully silky hair and lovely eyes.

    1. I have to agree, one of the best of the later Gotz dolls IMO
