Sunday 15 May 2016


Standing in this great oak
Wondering what power she can evoke
raising up both hands high
She sends her message to the sky

Mother Nature listen true
This request I send to you
On this earth I need a friend
another elf I wish you'd send

Then we can play amongst these mortals
tricked them good and laugh and chortle
I know that elves do abound
so send one to this little town

I evoke this power by right
to demand she comes this very night
I alone can demand this due
for making full my elvish dew

                                                        That keeps the plants growing strong
                                                         fills the birds with wondrous song
                                                        making creatures great and small
                                                        living long and standing tall

                                                          I will not make this wish again
                                                          I will not cry or will I bend
                                                          But mother Nature be true to start
                                                          find a friend to fill my heart.


                                                          Out into the evening sun
                                                          she tries to see if someone comes
                                                          She waits and stares but nothing good
                                                          appears this night from the wood

                                                   As the sun does set
                                                   no friend as yet
                                                   appears to fill that void
                                                   a tiny tear falls from her cheek
                                                   making her annoyed !


                                                   But late that night the clock strikes one
                                                   when in the halls we spy
                                                   Our dear Elfine sitting down
                                                   no longer looking glum

                                              For what is this!She's got her wish
                                              the  hall is filled with chatter
                                              Her new found friend has made her
                                               heart beat double  pitter patter

                                   Eyes deep blue and rosy cheeked
                                   her new friend tells her tale
                                   Of Yorkshire moors ,yarns and tors
                                   and living in the Dales.

                                   What a sight could have been seen that night
                                   for some one late to bed
                                    For such a thing could have made them start and shake their heads
                                    Not one but two little lasses sitting on the ground
                                    deep in talk but they unable to hear the sound.


                                 Between you and me , this Elm not Oak's
                                 power is most strong
                                 And the elves often come to hear it's sirens song
                                 This time Elfine's wish was granted and a new friend did appear
                                  who does know what could happen here each year!

                                                       I took these photo's of Elfine in the grounds of where we stayed this weekend. I saw the big tree from the window and while I was taking part in the crafts and well doing more chatting than actually work! Paul was out and about and found the lovely nook in the tree just along from the large one. So I took Elfine out to play in her lovely new dress which was a gift from the lovely Jane who also owns the elf who appeared at 1 am that night/morning to be friends with Elfine.

I would like to thank Jane for the beautiful dress that she gave Elfine and for bring her Elf Kay Wiggs doll to meet mine.



  1. Lovely post Dee, I'm so glad that Elfine found a friend....(it would seem there ARE benefits for staying up late chatting!!!!) and such a pretty dress from the lovely and generous Jane.
    And hopefully it won't be long before Elfine has another friend to play with too :)

    1. Thanks Sharon> I do love Elfine :) Yes definitely benefits for lack of sleep! Jane was so kind to make a dress especially for Elfine and to bring her Faun so I could see her.
      Yes I hope Elfine gets another friend closer to home , to keep her company! :)xx

  2. Alas, Dear Elfine!Your wish was slow
    To come out true, but you should know
    That trees are proud and want respect.
    At the very least they all expect
    You should use their proper names
    Or they will refuse all wishes and all claims
    A yew, named elm or called an oak
    Will get annoyed - no, that's no joke!
    It won't oblige your wishes to grant.
    So learn the names, then spell or rant
    Will not backfire or take an age.
    A friend is needed by even trees.
    If you're their friend, they'll hear your pleas.
    But if you name them without due care
    Then forget your wish and say a prayer.
    From trees great magic wands are made
    Their power puts herb potions in the shade.
    The yew let you off on this occaision
    It probably had its own good reason,
    But next time you give it the wrong name,
    This noble tree may decide to shame
    An elf who knows not its own estate
    And very soon it will be too late
    To put things right 'tween you and tree
    And then we'll have to wait and see
    The fate of a young princess, who though an elf,
    May ne'er be a queen, but just left on the shelf!

    But this time at least our own Elfine
    Has come out well, has reached her dream!
    A fried to tell her secrets to at last cam to play
    Happy times came to Elfine on a special day.

    Hoping Elfine has made a friend for life and you all had a great time at the Sasha weekend. J xx

  3. And shame should fall upon my head too
    For sending this piece on, without review!
    A teacher after so long should know quite well
    At the very least, HOW TO PUNCTUATE AND HOW SPELL!!

    1. I must confess Elfines not daft
      Her mum must take the blame.
      Told twice by dad the trees name
      it appears to go up in flames!

      It will teach me true
      to check with yew ;)
      or with himself indoors!

  4. I love this post Dee, what a lovely tale and a perfect end. I did spy a little something going on in the grounds and now all is revealed.

    1. Thanks Janet, Yes she was casting her spell as you and Ginger wandered by! :)

  5. A lovely post Dee and your girl is beautiful x

  6. What a sheer TREAT for us! Not only some great photography but a story in rhyme too. One of my very favourite ways of your blog posts delights, 'poetry in motion!'
    Many, many thanks!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it kendal, the poem was a little ropy in places but managed to scrape by ! Just should have remembered Paul said Yew not Elm!!

  7. I love your tale and the telling of it! So nice to read your rhyme. :) Elfine had a lovely friend to share stories with and the SCW was indeed a time for lovely friends to be together and talk and share the days of great doll fun. :)

    I have to ask, is that the photo of the tree that I asked for a photo of? I think it is the same tree but it might not be this photo. If you have time, I would love to have the tree photo for my blog posting which hopefully will be in the near future. Thank you Dee! :) xxx

    1. Thank you , you passed by when Elfine was just about to get into full elvish magic ! She was so happy that it worked and a friend arrived , just as wonderful friends had arrived for us to meet at the weekend ! Plenty of elvish magic around for all.
      We did take the photo and I shall email it to you now, before I forget ! :)xxx
