Saturday 8 April 2023



"Please Magda can I have a cross bun ? "

Magda puts one bun on Lucas's plate saying " Eat it slowly as you only get one today!"

"But what about Socks? He needs his own bun!" 

" Dog's cannot eat currents or some fruits, it's dangerous for them" Magda tells Lucas seriously, so he won't try sharing his bun " I'll find something he can eat "

Magda finds one of Mrs Mum's big dogs biscuits and puts it down for Socks, who then falls over in di at the size of his treat! But he is soon dragging it after Lucas as he heads back to finish watch his children's tv.  Silence reigns... well at least for half an hour!


  1. Happy Easter! I can't believe that Lucas is so well behaved now....what have you done with him Sis?

    1. Happy Easter. It comes of living in a warm loving home.... ;)

  2. Very cute Dee, love the photos. You do your photo stories really well.
    Happy Easter!

  3. Such a polite young man (wasn't he a bit of a hellion at one time?). Maybe he just knows that Magda want abide any of his shenanigans!
