Sunday 2 July 2023



Yes, It's already the start of the second half of the year! This month the Sasha doll festival is taking place on the USA.

So lots of photos and goodies will be appearing soon on the facebook groups etc.

Here it's been a;; about the garden! Paul's been working on the end raised bed, on the new design. I've been doing house work and trying to sort out what can go from the house/garden or dolls etc.

Yesterday was my birthday, so I enjoyed a lazy day with family which was lovely. I was given some gardening vouchers, so will be heading off down to the local garden centre to buy some plants for the new areas on the raised bed.

Today was the open gardens in the village, which we pulled out from doing due to the amount of hard landscaping we, still need to do. But that allowed us to actually go round and see the other gardens that were taking part, for the first time in years. Which was lovely, saw some lovely gardens and even some lovelier houses! A couple of the gardens were an acre or more! So much space but then so much more to garden!

I received a lovely gift from a friend for my Ten Ping doll, which made me get my act together and put her furniture into her house, so now she's sitting pretty. I just need Paul to make the front for it but we are into gardening time now, so it will have to wait until the autumn.

Ten Ping in her new outfit made by the extremely talented Chris M.

Martha was the most recent one to finally get changed this week, yes I'm still not getting my act together, she's wearing a beautiful dress with butterflies made a few years back by the very talented Ginny, which is just perfect for Martha with her colouring.

On the doll front  no one's left and no one's arrived. Hattie's still got me working on her hats, to clear the box. It will be interesting to see just how many hats will be made from the cotton. Although I am going to sell the soft pink matching cotton balls, or I'll still be making hats come Christmas!

Of course now it's July, It will be doll photo day on Tuesday! So please send in a photo or two if you are able.

So I wish you all a lovely healthy fun filled week ahead. 


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