Sunday 4 August 2024


 August! It's come in on a burst of hot weather that's been running long the last week or so of July! Well hot to us here in the UK, who think we are doing well if it doesn't rain and we see the sun more than once in the day! 

But with hot weather comes less work, so the swapping round of the studio from the cabin to the workshop ground to a halt, even though there is not that much to do to finish emptying it, ready for a paint job inside. We did however move some of the doll house buildings up into the storage area of the workshop, but still a lot more to do to get to the using it stage.

Not everything's stayed still, lots of sorting out and giving away, donating or binning been going on.

Our headliner is new girl Daisy, enjoying the sunshine but being sure not to stay in it too long

On the doll front, dolls have left but dolls have also arrived. I decided to sell off all my A girl for all time dolls as they never had any attention and needing to downsize, I bit the bullet and put them all up for sale. Five of them sold and one I decided to keep, the first I ever bought, the Tudor girl, one of my favourite periods. I sold off all their clothing as well, with a few of their regency outfits still for sale on my sales page and ebay.

I also sold one of the Gotz happy kidz dolls that's been sitting waiting for a new home for nearly a year, her box, with a clear section, so she can see out, has been by my bed and one night when I was sitting on the bed, I told her I hoped she would soon find someone to love her and remove her from her box soon, well the every next morning when I checked my emails , she'd been sold! 

I'm waiting on a non Sasha doll, that Paul paid half of as my birthday and early anniversary present, she's in customs, she's been there a week now and I'd hoping I'll not be getting a bill for board and lodgings as well as import tax!!

While it's been too hot to do much, I have finally started using my stash of fabrics, making some skirts and tops for my larger Roche dolls all sewn by hand, along with some knitting for them. I've also been watching a lot of the Olympics while doing them.

The weathers cooled down very slightly, so hopefully we can get back to finishing clearing the workshop.

Tomorrow is doll photo day and a few photos have arrived, so we will have something to enjoy. On that note, I'd best go and take one myself and wish you all a lovely healthy fun filled month ahead.


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