Monday 19 August 2024



" Goodness! This place is huge ! I hope I'm  now going the right way to find the house !" worries the new girl.

" I wonder if there's been a storm? with all these leaves and bits of twig lying around!"

" Now which way do I go? "

Just as she's about to round the big blue pot a voice says " There you are!"

" Yes here I am " she replies " Thank goodness you have come, I've been wandering round this place for what seems like days!"

" Oh sorry "  says Magda " You missed Toby and Zak who came to collect your luggage, so I was sent to find you. I'm Magda one of your new sisters "

" Nice to meet you Magda, I'm Saskia. I think I turned the wrong way out the station, I landed up by a dry stream bed with a small deep pool "

"Yes definitely the wrong way " declares Magda " Never mind we have found you now, you'd best come along with me, Mum's waiting to meet you "

" Great I could do with a sit down " Saskia says tiredly " I've walked for hours "

" Come on then, let's get you home for a nice rest and a cuppa and a piece of fruit cake, mum's been baking "

"Sounds wonderful" 

With that Magda turns, with Saskia following behind they head towards the house which Saskia can finally see up ahead. A sit down with a piece of fruit cake and a cup of tea sounds bliss! She just hopes she doesn't nod off! 


  1. Oh what a big journey! But Saskia has found home at last. And what a wonderful place this is! A great future with big adventures, nice siblings and sooo tender, loving parents lies ahead! What may be in the big luggage? Surely all are curious about that...

    1. Yes, hopefully she will love living here as we are very happy to have her here

  2. She's a very resourceful girl, having made the journey home all by herself. Maybe now she'll have to go out and find Toby and Zak!

    1. She is, it would appear. I think it's not been here long enough to find those boys! Even the others could struggle !
