Sunday 18 August 2024



So it's Sunday again! I don't know why I say silent since the football season has started so St. Ippolyt's football club is now playing on the recreation ground at the end of the garden and their excited shouts are rumbling round the place!
But usually it is quiet on non football games days, especially as we are now into the holiday season and people are away enjoying themselves at the seaside here or abroad.

I've been looking at some holiday cottages , so Paul and I can have a short getaway in September or October. I don't know if it's an age thing for everyone or just me but I was always a very decisive person, decide where, find a place, book , done. 
Well I've been looking at places for two days and so far have not committed to anything! And I really need to or the time will come and go and I'll still be trying to decide!

Pretty much same as other things really, when I was working and had less leisure time, I'd get things done now I have all day every day, anything I plan on doing if forever sat waiting for me to get my butt in gear!
Which is one of the reasons the new doll has still not made her appearance! I think I must go take those photos, oh it's too hot and sunny, I'll do it later but then I forget and it's too late, too dark etc etc !
So I will try and turn over a new leaf and get my mojo back and get things happening.....

Harriet Bonham Carter Owen is todays headliner, she not been impressed with my tardiness as she calls it! She tells me she'll be 'on my case' if I don't buck up  ' or did she say in my case?  Either way it appears I'm on a warning from Hattie!

On the dolls front, now it's now the summer holidays, so not much is happening re selling and I am now being good! Yes I did say that. There is a doll I wish to buy around Christmas time, so I'm saving for that, so now funds for anything else for now.

So on that note I will wish everyone a happy healthy week ahead 



  1. Don't worry Dee, I'm in the same boat as you. Feeling in a can't be bothered mood right now hence my absence from blogging, but I'm still around, just not very motivated. Have sold a couple of dolls and bought a couple, dressed a couple, have more needing clothes and one needs modifying before I can put her head'll get don eventually. LOL!
    Hope you do find somewhere nice for your holiday.
    Big hugs,

    1. It all sounds familiar lol , still looking at places but people ( family ) keep changing the days we can go!! I may just get a coach and be off myself at this rate! hugs xx
