Wednesday 7 August 2024



"Why are we at the station? " Magda asks Arabella

" I told you ! " Arabella almost whispers " I have a feeling "

They wander round the platform, which is empty.

"Well there is nothing and I do mean nothing happening around here! " exclaims Magda loudly causing Arabella to start!

" Shhh! " She whispers looking anxiously around " You don't know who could be watching? "

" Well unless it's a bird, which is the only thing  here apart from us!" Scoffs Magda

Arabella gives her a glare

"Honestly Arabella what is this feeling all about? are you sure it's not just wind? " Magda giggles

Arabella goes full diva " Is it my problem you have no sense of the cosmos ? That you only believe in what's in front of your rather small nose! and not what's around you ! "

" Hey ! My nose is the perfect button size I'll have you know " Magda says with a huff " and I don't want to 'feel' things that may not actually be there ! That's called a ghost and I do not do ghosts!"

"Not everything is about ghosts! " argues Arabella

" Well if any ghost decides to show up here I'm off and I'm not waiting about for you!"

"Well there is nothing to see here. so lets head back home"  Magda says

Magda starts heading for the exit while Arabella grudgingly starts to follow.

"Come on! Stop dawdling Bell and I'll buy you an ice creams from Granny's"

Arabella suddenly brightens up and starts moving but does look over her shoulder as she leaves as a shiver runs down her back...

Several hours later,  a train from the north pulls into the station , only one person alights before it pulls out with a blast of the whistle.

"What no one to meet me? " mutters the girl " I was sure there were two people waiting for me ? Oh well I'll just have to find my own way home "