Wednesday 14 August 2024


 I sent Toby and Zac to collect their new sister from the station, since they are in their boy scout uniforms I offered them a bob for the job.

Both set off looking very puzzled..

"Who do you think this Bob is ?" asked Toby " and why did mum want to give him the job then send us? "

" I think it's an old person thing, don't worry about it " Zac looks round as they have reached the platform " I don't see anyone here !"

However there was a large pile of bags and cases waiting on the platform but no one anywhere in sight!

"Well whoever our new sister is , she certainly doesn't travel light ! " exclaims Toby 

" Just as well we bought the big hand cart with us" agrees Zac

" Mm I wonder if it will all fit in? " 

Zac start loading up the cart 

While Zac continues to load everything up, Toby continues to stand about talking about all the sports they watched on the Olympics " Honest Zac ! We could too get a gold in the triathlon ! Well obviously I'd get gold but you could get silver at least !"

" Well you would not win any gold in weight lifting " mutters Zac, seeing Toby finally pick up the smallest bag to add to the cart.

" Pardon? " 

" I said yes you'd easily win a gold "

" Are you sure that's what you said? "

"Yep !"

" We could even go for gold in the velodrome on our bikes! " Toby says excitedly " Of course mum would have to get us some of those special suits ! "

" Do you know how much they cost? "

" Nar but mum can easy get them "

" They are £3000 pounds " says Zac " Each!"

Toby thinks for a moment " Well that's not that much surely? Or mum could just sew us some ! Result !"

Toby finally adds something to the cart Zac filled .

" Come on " says Zac " we need to get back and tell mum our new sister wasn't here just her luggage "

" Okay " agrees Toby " you pull and I'll push "

" Are you pushing ? " Zac asks 

" Yes! " Toby says gasping as if he's struggling , although if Zac decided to look back he'd see Toby no where near the back of the cart ! 

" Actually I would not mind that rock climbing "  says Toby " I'm good at climbing "

Zac closes his eyes remembering a certain visit to a windmill a few years back puffing he says " I think you.. should try.. the matt,.. since you.. are always .. falling.. arse... over .. head " 

Toby gasps and not from doing any work! " I'm telling mum you said arse! "

Zac stops " Well I'm telling mum you didn't help at all ! And you can come to the front and I'll push ! "

" I'll not tell " Toby says quickly

" Too late get to the front ! " 

Muttering Toby swaps....


  1. The boys are so cute in their uniforms!
    I simply love that hopping ball toy, and all the luggage! The new girl seems to be very mysterious and secretive. We at RoRoPo's are all looking forward to the next story when we hope we will get acquainted with the lass...

    1. I'm sure she will turn up soon, she cannot be lost already !

  2. Oh! Do come along Sis! We need a glimpse of your new FCP........:)

    1. How does it go when you are wrong? D daRRR and a big X appears ....

  3. If those two do manage to find the new girl and get her home safely, they definitely deserve a special merit badge.

    1. If such a miracle should occur they'll get the years top scout award... if...
