Sunday 11 August 2024



So another week's rushes past! The first full August week. On Friday we , Paul and myself, celebrated our 49th wedding anniversary by going out for a lovely meal with two of our three daughters. Unfortunately our youngest lives two hours away, so we will celebrate with her next week. We cannot quite believe it's been that long, we are sure someone's sneakily added about twenty years on while we were enjoying ourselves!

The week's been spent just pottering about doing the usual things that need doing and watching the Olympics.  Not much movement on clearing the rest of the workshop for the change over, I think it will take at least until October before I get to move everything over at the rate we are going. But we will get there in the end.

Today's headliner is Valentine who is still waiting to go camping along with his brothers! He tells me if it doesn't happen soon, he's changing back into a decent set of clothes because he's an individual not a robot!  That's told me!

On the reducing dolls/props front, one left and one three arrived! None in and out were Sasha's of the selling and buying. Two that arrived were on layaway for over a year , while I bought another couple of dolls from the same seller in the middle, so that's finally finished. But naturally with it taking so long I've moved on and those dolls will probably be going back on the market later in the year.

I also swapped one of my Sasha's for another Sasha with a friend. So she's about to appear next week.

The UK is about to have three very hot days, so not much will happen while that's going on but hopefully posts will start appearing mid week.

It seems that blogger/ google have made it even more awkward to post comments! Just as well i do receive feedback via email or other means or I'd think I was talking to myself! Not that it would stop me, I'm used to talking to myself!! ;)

On that note I will wish everyone a happy healthy doll filled week ahead.



  1. Happy Anniversary Sis! I forgot you got married when you were 60 to Paul :)

    1. LOL You sooo funny ! You know I was barely knee high to a grasshopper when I was betrothed, which must be twenty of those forty nine years easily, so I am still only just getting used to this adult lark :)

  2. Nope! Not buying it! You were not a child bride :)
