Tuesday 10 February 2015


Look at these gorgeous girls! What a wonderful line up in their Karen W dresses. Pardon? how's the clearing up going? These girls are a sight for sore Sasha eyes why.... Pardon ..changing the subject? Me?
Well really ! Would I try to do that?....... Okay!

Today nothing happened ! I have not even looked in the door!! Bad I know but I do have a very small excuse. I just felt a little down , so pottered about downstairs instead.
I did mention that we had to take Izzy to the vets, well the vet phoned last night to say she's got Diabetes! So I have been quite concerned about her and what sort of costs we will be facing for her meds. We needed to drop in a sample this morning , so while there I asked what sort of cost her monthly meds would be and was relieved to find out that it was a lot less that I had been imagining!

We did have insurance for the dogs when they were younger and Hamish kept escaping from the back garden  taking Archie (my daughter's) Westie along with him and with Izzy following along behind telling the boys they should all go back ! Paul would suddenly realise it had gone very quiet and have to go off in search of three Westies who were full of the joys of freedom and Paul was probably watched by the odd neighbour as he carried two wriggling Westies while trying to get the third to follow on behind !you never stop to find leads when dogs have vanished through some hole in the hedge and you don't know for sure how long they have been missing!

Eventually the garden was made dog proof and the rates for the dog insurance went way too high and we cancelled it.So I was worried it would be way more than we could afford but it's not anywhere near as bad as one imagines so I am much happier. Although Paul and myself will need to be shown how to inject Izzy twice a day. Izzy if anything will  be the easiest of the two to manage this for.

So the old emotions have been a little up and down as you' d expect at this time. But the way is hopefully now much brighter and Izzy will spend the day at the vets tomorrow while they get her doses correct.

I have not been completely off track I have listed some of the clothes I put on Sale page onto Ebay and done some crocheting using some of the odd balls of used double knit for a lap blanket which will help clear another bag slowly.

I will be doing some re rooting tonight and will get back into the flow re the room tomorrow once Izzy is off at the vets.

So will hopefully be listing much more tomorrow on my sales page and ebay, oh and I am expecting an arrival tomorrow.......to meet up with today's arrival....

I'll finish with another photo I found to brighten up this post.

What a great line up of Sasha's in beautiful dresses, first on left by Catherine ( Couture )French, then Ruth (Madam ) Hartley and the last two by Karen (The buz ) Warnaka.



  1. Lovely girls in lovely dresses - these 8 young ladies should have cheered you up...far more than boring old tidying up.

    I'd be hard pressed to choose a favourite doll or dress.

    Can't wait to hear Izzy is home and the edication is working for her.
    J x

  2. They look absolutely fabulous, especially love Karen's dresses, lucky lucky girls <3
    I did lol at you changing the subject, I think we can all forgive you leaving the door closed when you've been worrying about a fur baby!x

  3. Thank goodness that Izzy is fine and once she's on her new medication, her health will improve. I know how you feel though, we love our furry and feathered family members so much that they come first, no matter what, even if the meds cost a fortune....they must come first, bless 'em, they rely on us to look after them!
    So I'm not surprised that you felt down, but hope that now you're aware of the problem, you are feeling so much better. :)
    Your photos of the girls in their lovely dresses are very nice, such gorgeous work done by the seamstresses who made them :)
    Big hugs and a special scritch for Izzy's ears!
    Sharon xxx

  4. Pease don't stay down for too long.
    You're Dee:)happy, aren't you?

    "Often, close enough is good enough." says Rhonda Hetzel from 'Down To Earth'-blog
    (http://down---to---earth.blogspot.de/) Think, she's right.

    All the best for your dog and your mood :)

  5. So sorry to hear of Izzy's diabetes diagnosis but luckily it is a condition that can be regulated by diet, exercise and medication and one that you'll soon get the hang of administering to keep her healthy and well.

    Glad that you acknowledged the fact that you were upset and took a day off from your planned Sasha sorting and tidying out project and instead enjoyed playing and dressing your Sasha girls in those delightful smocked dresses.
    Our Sasha Dolls are wonderful in lifting our spirits when we're feeling 'down and out.'

  6. Sometimes sorting a room is definitely not the thing to do when you're worrying about a much loved pet, sometimes sorting can help. I hope Izzy settles with the meds and your bank balance isn't badly affected.

  7. Glad Izzy is ok Dee. Your girls look gorgeous in their beautiful dresses! What a bright spot in our day to see them and I love how you line them up for us to see! :) xxx

  8. Thank you ladies for your comments they are appreciated :) Izzy is now home and we are getting used to helping her with her diabetes.
