Tuesday 19 April 2022


 Well, that's Easter over and done with. The weather was lovely and warm and dry, so great for getting outside.

Thankfully my mouth started to recover from the tooth removal last Monday, so I did not go back to the dentist, just was careful in what ate. Now it's almost fine but at least no longer aching.

We went to lunch with Gill and Tony, which was lovely, gave us a chance to catch up and see their new space in their garden after the storm, blew a neighbour's metal gazebo over two fences which then bounced off their greenhouse and into the next garden. The greenhouse did not come off well, so they used it's demise to reconfigure the garden. We came back with a large plastic box of their no longer needed clay plant pots.

Now that the sun is around more, yes, I know it's always been around, but it is now like we are coming out of hibernation, we are starting to get the little things done. I don't know about you but there is always something that's been removed and left elsewhere taking up space. You know when you have redecorated or organised a place and things do not go back because they no longer fit or the place no longer exists.

We finally found a place for this Greenman bottle opener, it used to be on the door of the old outhouse which was taken down a few years back when the new patio was laid.

My garden hooks are now on the gazebo as well, I had to find it a home as I love them. They used to hold my garden tool bags but lost their home when we removed the wall between the breakfast room and the dining room, and the dresser went where it lived.

It's also the time of year where plans are starting to be made about the different things that need to be done, mainly garden ones because we have been doing things outside. But there will be inside things to go on any list.

I packed all my dolls away for the winter, non Sasha's, and they were kept up in the bedroom while the weather was cold. Now the bags are back in the studio waiting to be unloaded back onto the shelves.

Naturally over the winter I have used the top shelf for the new dresser I bought, so they will now have to squeeze into the shelves that are left. I am still fighting the less is more battle, so I will need to look again at what can go.

The Sasha's and Gregor's are all still in their winter wear, although Zak at least, is in long shorts however he could get rid of his hat! Mind you when the cloud came over today it got very cold.

On the doll front, none left, one Roche doll arrived, I'd had her on a small layaway. No clothes have been purchased but I did receive a lovely outfit as a gift for one of my Roche dolls, from a friend.

I have purchased a few dolls clothes patterns, to make a few items for my bigger dolls, now just need to get round to actually doing it. Still have knitting to do, that box won't empty itself of all that yarn!

 I hope you all had a lovely Easter break and the weather, wherever you are, was nice and dry, so I wish you all a lovely fun filled week ahead


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