Tuesday, 9 February 2016


Coming out the shadows is ...

Percy , my 69  PJ boy he does not get on the blog as much as some of his brothers but he does not mind.

He usually likes to stick around by his Dad as he wants to do Joinery when he's older. He's going to start a company he tells me.

Valentine and him will be working together, Valentine will design and decorate and Percy will make the bespoke furniture required.

But what's this? the boy's are gathering together what are they talking about?...

What's that ?... oh they seem to be talking about appearing on the Trendon boys week on face book .. mind you I'm sure it was something else they were saying and then the conversation changed when I came in.....



  1. What a handsome fellow Percy is, and of course reminds me of my own 69 PJs boy too....these PJ boys are all so good looking with their lovely blue eyes and blond hair, aren't they?
    But I wonder what on earth they're all talking about and why they stopped talking when you came within earshot? Well I'm sure all will be revealed at some point! Watch this space I guess!

    1. There are Sharon, those 69 PJ boys are gorgeous. Me too! I just missed what they were saying, they changed the subject as soon as Robin spotted me and nudged Samuel. I did here 'it had best be you and Percy ' but that was all..... :)

  2. Mmmmmm, can they be trusted? Better get a bear or two to do a bit of eaves dropping.....

    1. Probably not and they were surrounded by bears who probably heard every word but as you know bears will never snitch on their children so the most I can hope for there is that one or two of the more clever ones, follow them!

  3. Loved the first photo's background that obviously inspired the title!
    I think that most Sasha collectors (there's one here!) have one of these really attractive PJ lads.
    Wondering just what those boys of yours are plotting !

    1. Correct,that photo did inspire the title :) I believe you are probably right about most having a PJ boy.

      Me too! It sounded quite serious! Wish I'd heard more, I'm going to have to keep an eye on them today!

  4. Wonderful entrance for Percy coming from the dark to the light! He is so handsome! I love his vivid blue eyes which look perfect with his handsome blue outfit.

    I'd say the boys are cooking something up since they changed the subject when you entered the room. (How many times has that happened at my house with my boys???) I look forward to seeing what they are up to as I catch up on my missed blogs. A great post! :) xxx

    1. Thanks Ginger, amazing what a dodgy photo can inspire! lol
      Those boys were up to something as you'll find as you read the latest posts :) Boys do like to have secrets especially from Mum ! :)xx
