Tuesday 18 June 2024



Cardboard boxes that is!! It would appear that I may have got carried away on keeping boxes for when I'm selling on things! It may have helped if I'd actually broken them down and folded them up!  I have now broken down 16 , yes 16 of them, thrown out another half a dozen and left a couple as is!! 


after !

Difference? I've moved the bench cushions and taken out all the empty boxes and already there is more space! I've now removed one of the tables, you can see it in the photo above. It used to belong to my grandparents on my dad's side and my middle daughter wants it kept for her. 

I appear to have my sensible head on and I will go through and list loads of the wool I have kept since the last clear out , that's just stayed in the box and not been used. My left wrist is a nightmare and along with the arthritis in both hands, am I likely to ever use it? 

Probably not, so I'm biting that bullet and getting it gone! I'm also looking at what else can go! It's going to be a big job! 

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