Wednesday 5 June 2024


 Well It is June almost half way through 2024 ! So we'd best get on and show these great photos before it's suddenly Christmas !!

First and he's hoping to be that all the way! Is BR from Gregoropolis , whose been selected for the Paris summer Olympics ! Way to go BR! Daddy John is so proud!

No stranger to winning gold, BR is fit and firing on all cylinders! He cannot wait to be competing against the worlds best. He's off to find Frank who is somewhere in the cafe behind him trying for the world donut eating record! 

Now I know Daddy Steve at Gregoropolis loves the 68 brunette lads and what a line up they are! Now is this because he's a 68 lad himself I wonder? But this gorgeous almost rainbow of boys is fabulous, you just need that 68 boy in pink to make the last colour.... no I'm not encouraging him Daddy John .. honest...Just saying...

Bea is doing her impression of a wild thing! Hiding under that fringe! Magda thinks she should have a trim but Bea's not listening, she likes peaking out from beneath her hair!

Did not dare leave Arabella out since her two soul sisters were on the doll photo day! You can see the look she's giving me...

From Gill we have her four button nosed girls enjoying some time outside. I wonder whose turn it is next on the bike? 

Meanwhile Chris's girl is waiting patiently for the postman, I wonder what he/ she will be bringing?

From RoRoPo we have Holly, who is in the chestnut tree, keeping a look out for some nice weather plus trying to see what her siblings are up too! 

Many thanks to all those sending in photos for the post. There is always space for more if you'd like to join in.

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