Sunday 23 June 2024



So Sunday's arrived and the Sasha Festival is nearly over. There have been some great photos on the two FB Sasha groups and some marvellous Festival and table gifts. Wish I could have attended but alas it was not to be. However I have enjoyed it from afar.

We've been very busy this week with family events and the usual house/garden jobs. However we have added to that by me deciding that I will move my studio up into what was Paul's workshop! 

This as meant Paul's had to start clearing it out and I have to say ' how many tools does a man need! ' it would appear masses by the amount of things needing moving. But he is on it! and has already sold off two of his machines, which is great as it means they don't have to go with the 'shed' load of stuff being moved into the carport!

Paul painted the door in purple pansy for me and added an antique letter plate, not useable in truth, but lovely in looks :)

So he's been sorting his side and I've been sort of sorting mine! Well I have put a couple of things up on ebay and opened the door a few times, looked stepped in gazed around and stepped out again! lol

Lola is todays headliner, looking sweet in her green floral dress by Ginny.

On the doll front.... mmm well it's been some what busy! Three dolls left BUT three arrived and all were Sashas / Gregors.
I fell for Perry who I have posted about and didn't expect to win, so he arrived and was given a spa and new clothes. 


However I did look at a Sasha in a Hippy style outfit which I really liked, she also looked like a nice doll but grubby and in need of a spa.  She was being auctioned, so I placed a bid and went off.
Of course what then happens is the 68/69 brunette none falling hair shows up two days later calling my name! I did dither for a while, at least ten minutes!! Then I was pressing the buy it now button and she was mine!

So Tiffany arrived. But in order for her to be adopted I did have to part with three other dolls to cover her fee. 

Which meant, Pippa, Chloe and Peter all went off to new homes! Now I can hear you asking but what about that 'hippy' you bid on?  Exactly what about her! Any other time someone would have come along and outbid me and I'd have been sad but resigned but no, no one arrived and made that bid, so I won her and she made the journey all the way from bonnie Scotland via steam train and finally arrived yesterday.

I was over with the grandchildren, so she was waiting for me when I returned later that night. Today she's had a good clean and a hair wash. So she's not quite ready for her debue but is looking so much better. 

While all that's been going on I was also paying for a short layaway on another Sasha, who will arrive next week....

I also sold 20 balls of yarn and then after speaking to my eldest daughter about it, she had the rest along with the large plastic box it was sitting around in, so a good result , yarn gone and one less empty box! A few items of dolls clothes also sold and the last of the ships I bought for the treasure island chat n snap display is in the process of selling, so another larger item will be gone. I also took the Sylvanian windmill and canal barge with me, when I visited the grandchildren, so that freed up even more space.

On another front, a lovely friend, who I actually met at the 2012 Sasha Festival in Stratford upon Avon,  who is also into the Roche dolls that I also collected. Contacted me about one of her dolls that is on my dream Roche doll list, to ask if I was interested in buying her ?  Was I? Mmmm    when I could stop smiling ! I worked out what I would have to do to obtain her. So I'm swapping one of my other Roche doll with her towards the cost and moving on a couple of others hopefully to complete the deal. 

So it's not just Sasha's on the move around here! 

On that note I'm off to open the door to the old studio side of the workshop and hopefully this time, sort some things out!

So I will wish you a happy sunny fun filled healthy week ahead.



  1. Sounds like you have been having a whole lot of dolly fun with ins and outs all over the place. LOL! Like the door colour, it's lovely and bright, just the thing to make you feel a little jolly.
    Did you say sun? Oh I only wish, it's been so darn cold and miserable down under, all I've wanted to do is hibernate. 🤣
    Big hugs,

    1. There is so much coming and going I can barely keep up! I have to have nice bright colours around me :) Oh I hope you get some sun soon, although I am now complaining about the heat! lol Hugs x
