Tuesday 25 June 2024


 Well the 'hippy' girl I bid on arrived and she was in need of a good wash and something doing with her fringe! 

Her fringe is all over the place!

Photos taken before she had a good wash. But her hair length was all over the place much like her fringe!

When I said to Paul I was going off to give her a wash, he said who Toyah ? referring to Toyah Wilcox a singer from the seventies who had wild hair that stuck up! So that's her name, well at the moment anyway.

She spent some time wearing this to help with her fringe.

Hair slowly drying but looking bad.

so out came the scissors!!

So once dry she looks like this!

Her fringe appears to be coming from all over the top of her head!

So at the moment she looks like this but I'm going to condition the sides and back again and try and get rid of the frizz and I'm thinking I may cut it again to just under her chin!

And she'll be getting the boiling water fringe treatment on Thursday when I see Gill. 

To be continued ...

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