Sunday 16 June 2024


Oh yes we have been having truly British summer weather this week, sunshine and showers, along with a chilly breeze some days. People will no doubt be blaming this on the climate changing but I can remember lots of summers like this back when I was going up. Sitting on the beach in June or July with a cold breeze battering us as we tried to shelter behind a windbreak ! The sky darkening and dropping a short sharp heavy downpour to be followed by brilliant sunshine! Aww those were the days! When you returned home from a week or two at the seaside with as much rust as suntan on you! ;)

We've spent the week doing the usual things like working in the garden between showers and also in the house.

We have also been discussing Paul's workshop. It's around seventeen foot long and ten foot wide and he does not use it. When we removed a small brick building near the house, it also removed the electric cable that ran underground to the workshop ( put in before we arrived) So since it's been powerless, Paul always uses the carport if he's making anything. A few years back , he sectioned off six foot for my first doll studio and then since I bought the bigger log cabin for a doll studio, my sections been used for storage and some of my overflow.

Now after the pandemic the price of wood etc went through the roof but now things have calmed down again and prices have dropped back. So we spent part of yesterday discussing if we should replace the workshop with a six metre long log cabin and for me to move up to that and my cabin to be used for his stained glass making and maybe a computer room. We are also looking at whether we could use the existing building for my doll studio , as it does have insulated walls and my section has an insulated ceiling. However my studio has an insulated floor and roof. So keep the old workshop and gain three foot or buy new and gain six? 

I think the only way to make the choice is to empty Paul's workshop and the overflow studio and 'see' the space but if we try that we have only two weeks before the sale offer on the log cabins ends. Plus not sure if we'd need planning permission for that extra couple of feet! Decisions decisions! Ten years ago I'd have made it within an hour , done and dusted! 

It's only me dragging my feet, Paul's all for getting a new log cabin !

The Uk Sasha Festival starts this week on Thursday, wishing everyone a great time, so sad I've had to miss it due to it falling on the one week I have other commitments! One week either side and I'd have been there! 

Today's headliner is Ragnor, who is looking smart in his scout uniform, he is a sea scout, on account of the fact that he believes he IS a Viking warrior!

On the doll front, no more dolls have left but one did arrive! An impulse purchase! I only bid in the last ten minutes then walked away. But it seemed it was meant to be because I won. So more about that tomorrow.

There has been a steady stream of sales, so things are slowing going, again it's all small stuff, like clothing , shoes etc, so no massive amount of space appearing but it is going in the right direction.

Well the sun is out, so I'm off down to the old studio, to open the door, look at the mass of things dumped , I mean stored inside and consider what to do!! A sneaky peak below of the issue!



It's actually not quite as bad as it looks! Honest! The bench cushions have been thrown in when it's started raining and there are two small tables and a small cupboard unit in the middle and to the side of the room. I just need to get in there and start tidying and moving out the things that have been left in there instead of being found a proper home. Well I'd best be off to start the tidy before another shower heads this way!

Have a lovely adventurous healthy fun filled week 


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