Thursday 20 June 2024


 So I was minding my own business just looking at ebay when this boy just kept calling to me! I did at first ignore him because I was trying to be good.

But then it got to ten or so minutes before he was due to end and I caved and put a small bid on. Assuming I'd probably get out bid but no worries.

I was surprised to find I'd won! So it was meant to be! Now the lad had one leg unattached and when he arrived I was hoping it was just a re-hook it back on job. No such luck ! The elastic, showing him to be a 1970 boy, was broken.

So I took him apart which was probably just as well since his arm elastic was almost ready to break.

So he had a good clean and a hair wash while I found the elastic to restring him.

I have to say I hate restringing dolls! I can never work out just the right amount of elastic to use which then involves attaching and then un-attaching legs , head etc multiple times so that  by the end the doll is lucky not to have had a flying lesson tacked on!

Eventually after a good hour or so, he was back together and holding up well!

He told me his name was Peregrine but everyone calls him Perry ! So Perry it is.

I must have known he was coming on some level since there was a lovely new shirt from Ginny waiting for him.

I'm beginning to think this is definitely the year of the Sasha/Gregor here in the village ! I'm beginning to wonder just how many are going to arrive this year!!

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