Sunday 9 June 2024



Once it was called Flaming June due to how hot the weather was after the cooler spring months. But it seems we are to have temperatures five degrees or more below what is normal for this time of year.

With a chill wind, naturally! However as long as it's dry, you can easily wrap up against the wind and still get out and about.

It's been a sad weekend here due to the death of Dr Michael Mosley, a lovely man who spent his life trying to make all of ours healthier and better. I followed his 800 diet just after lock down and it worked really well for me and my daughter. It's so sad that he nearly made it back to safety and no one saw him before it was too late. He left us how to make our lives healthier and better, it's up to us to use that information.

Today's headliner is Valentine, who does have the uncanny knack of being able to stand at a slight angle and not fall over!

On the doll front things have gone very well, three dolls left and none arrived!! Along with various items of clothing and more shoes! Yes I have that many of the things! I'd best confess that they did receive eight pairs of new shoes/boots last week but all for the Sasha's / Gregors, so they will never be bare foot! Well not for long!

I really should be trying to sell off the bigger stuff but it's such a pain having to find suitable boxes and work out best postage costs etc. But sooner or later I'll have to bit that piece of the bullet and do it.






So that's what the doll studio is looking like at this minute in time! No good! Too much stuff, especially big stuff! I did even discuss with Paul about adding an extension on!! But that would not really work, I also discussed about getting a new bigger cabin to go down where his workshop is but I thin it would only be another three or four foot long and Paul reckons I'd just fill that up!! Honest some people have not faith! ( Especially has I would need to sell half my stuff to buy a bigger cabin for down that end!)

On that note I am off to buy stamps as a few more things have sold and I've now run out of stamps for them.

I wish you all a lovely happy healthy week ahead and stay safe, one never knows when it may all go wrong



  1. Hee Hee! You, like me, just need a bigger house ... like the size of Buckingham Palace! Good to see you have been good though, me on the other hand not so.
    Take it easy and just enjoy your dolls, that make you happy and keep you feeling young.
    Big hugs,

    1. Mmm I wonder if the king will swap? He may like my garden?
      If only I had been good, I'm beginning to think I need to by some skates for this slope I'm constantly slipping down!!! lol
      I will enjoy it all, doll, shoes, clothes , mess ;) you only live once after all
      hugs x
