Tuesday 21 December 2021


 The village is buzzing ! It's almost Christmas and finally Granny Fortuna's shop is opening , just in time for those last minute gift purchases.

They have been queuing outside since 8.30 am excitedly waiting for the door to open!

Robin is at the front, he's determined to get an item he's seen in the window , which would be the perfect present for one of his brothers .

At nine the door opens and the queue moves forward into the shop.

Toby who is at the back calls out for them to get a move on , as the ones at the front, stop just inside the door to look around.

The shop is soon full and the noise is high as the children excited oo and arr at the items for sale,

Saffy is getting more Christmas cards for the local friends that she can go and deliver herself. To by looks to be buying a frizzbe and a skipping rope . I wonder who they are for ?

Saffy is trying to remember just how many she needs !

Granny is at the counter taking orders and money.

Busy busy. Sophy is helping Claudia , who is asking about putting a deposit on the cot in the window and returning to complete her purchase on Friday, once she's got the last of her pocket money!

Sophy is assuring her , that Granny would be more than happy to help her .

Erik is so excited to see the Captain Scarlet figures, problem is he would love them for himself ! 

Maybe he could buy Lt Green for Ragnor and ask Mum if he could have Captain Scarlet for Christmas ? Problem is he cannot remember if he's already told Mum want he wanted or was it Santa? Could he get Captain Scarlet for himself ! 

Just then Martha appears beside him and asks him what he's muttering about. He tells her of his dilemma .

Martha pats his shoulder and tells him not to worry, she is sure he will get his wish for Captain Scarlet , so just to sort out buying his gifts for others.

Erik's not quite sure if he can believe what Martha says but sighing decides he'll have to leave it to fate since he cannot afford to buy it for himself and get gifts for others. He just hope Martha's right.

Martha goes to the counter while Erik is still deciding whether to get Ragnor, Lt Green or Colonel White, which works well while she quietly buys Captain Scarlet for Erik's Present , asking Granny to keep it for her after she pays, saying she'll call back for it tomorrow.

By closing time, lots of cards etc have been sold and many items set aside for collection later in the week.

Granny is feeling very happy with all the sales they have made and actually thanks Bruno and Sophy for all their hard work !

Mind you she follows up , telling Bruno he needs to deliver two of the large Christmas trees and a food hamper that evening and that Sophy will need to check and put away the items that are sold for collection later in the week , then start restocking the shelves.

" I'll go start dinner, you can stay for it too Sophy " she informs her as she moves off humming !

Sophy is happy to stay for dinner, it will save her making something once she finally gets back to her digs and also save her some money. Once Granny's gone up, she'll go make sure Mini is fine and as enough food and water, then get her jobs done.


  1. Now this was a successful opening day! The children are happy as well as Granny. Let's hope there will be solution for poor Mini, too.

    1. Yes < a good days trading and Granny is feeling very happy, not that she shares too much!
      Poor Mini will need to catch Granny in a good mood !

  2. What a turnout. Even Granny is sure to be happy with this year's sales. It's so satisfying to shop at local stores with their helpful and personalized service. Those Captain Scarlett figures are so cool! I can understand Erik's dilemma.

    1. Granny is so happy it's worrying! I can see all the boys fighting over those figures! Just hope they will share ! :)
